"Orkses is never defeated in battle. If we win
we win, if we die we die, so it don't count as defeat. If we runs for it we don't die
neither, so we can always come back for anuvver go, see!"
-Wize Ork sayin'
Dis iz da' plaze fer da' Boyz.
This is the page for the Orks, I will be placing characters, codices, and modelling hints,
tips, and conversions in this area for the Orks.
of Khorne
Squig Bommerz
Goffik Rokkerz
Black Orks
Bad Moon Snipaz
Blood Axe Big Boss
Guzbuk Gutrippa
Igrutz 'Da Claw' Horgla
Kaptin Jenrul Ruzgub
Warlord Snagritz Wazmek
Fahr Gub
Big Bozz Morkull
Back to Warhammer 40,000 3rd Edition.
© 1999-2000 Thomas Setzer