Last Update: 02/16/01
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40K Q&A From the E-Desks of The Studio
Table of Contents
(If document is viewed as Rich Text, an HTML document, you may click the topic to jump to it.)
From the Main Rulebook
Keep in mind that the rulings in this section that
are army specific may be different from rulings in the Codex section for the same army.
This is ok. Some players prefer to play with just the army book rules and never with a
Codex. It is for the benefit of those players that we make the distinction.
Armies From Various Codex Books and White Dwarf Lists
Codex Space Marines
Codex Chaos Space Marines
Codex Dark Eldar
Codex Blood Angels
Codex Dark Angels
Codex Orks
Codex Eldar
Codex Imperial Guard
Sisters of Battle (White Dwarf)
Codex Catachan
Codex Space Wolves
Speed Freaks, Salamanders, Planetary Defense Force, Steel
Legion, Black Templars
This latest Q&A has been broken down into four parts for easy reading and loading. Just click one of the links below.
(Shooting through Scenario Special Rules)
(Army Selection through Codex Dark Angels)
(Codex Orks through Codex Assassins)
(Imperial Armour through Vehicle Design/Transport Rules)