Ork Codex
1) When a Zzap gun is mounted on a Battlewagon, in replacement of a twin-linked big shoota, what are the effects of rolling an 11 or 12 on the strength? Normally some crew are killed. Is this still the case?
No it isn't. The roll of an 11 or 12 has no extra effects over and above the irritation of the weapon not firing.
2) On a related note, do the grot crewmen (for the battlewagon big gun) need to be on the vehicle or are the vehicle's crew assumed to be the gunners as with other vehicle mounted weapons?
No. The vehicles crew act as gunners.
3) Does the limitation on Big Mek's mekboy bodyguard not having the same equipment apply to mekboyz that are part of the Warboss's Bodyguard? It does not indicate this specifically, but there is enough "interpretation" to think it might be this way.
The limit on Mekboyz is only intended to apply to the big meks bodyguard, not the warbosss.
4) You can have two Warbosses, right? Seems odd, but that's what the rules say.
Yaaaaagh, that was an oversight on my part. You can take a maximum of one Warboss. Two Warbosses would only appear if ther were two separate warbands fighting, ie, if you were using multiple detachments (See Very Large Games on p. 131 of the WH40K rulebook)
5) A bionik arm counts as a close combat weapon. Does this count toward the 2 single or a single/double limitation on weapons? If so, I assume it is a single handed weapon, right?
No, it doesn't count towards the weapons limit - that's the advantage of having it 'built in'.
6) The Kustom Force Field is a two-handed weapon? I was under the impression that it wasn't a weapon at all.
Nope but its a bulky piece of equipment that needs two hands to operate hence I counted it as a weapon for the purposes of limiting what the mek can carry.
7) Kustom Jobs: Can the Blasta job be combined with the other kustom jobs?
8) The battlewagon can mount multiple big shootas that are fired by passengers, what are the restrictions for moving and firing?
They use the rules for bolt on big shootas.
9) In the wargear rules under the Bosspole it says that it may be carried by a grot. Unfortunately you can't buy the grot to carry it. How can this be done?
Gah! You're right, the solution:
Banna Wavva: 3 points
Grot statline, May carry a bosspole or a Waaagh! banner. A Banna Wavva may not be chosen as a casualty caused by enemy shooting (Only the luckest grots are choosen for the job and they always seem to know when to dodge behind the nearest cover (or ork) to avoid fire.). Blast markers and templates will effect them as normal. Banna Wavvas are armed with a grot blasta.
10) The rules for the Zzap gun state that you pick a target model. Does this mean that the gun can force a specific model to be removed as a casualty in a squad, even though the casualty is normally chosen by the owner of the target?
No. The use of the word "model" is in reference to vehicles, which will be the normal target of a zzap gun. When firing into a squad the owner of the squad can still pick which model is removed as with any other type of normal shooting.
11) As per the Living Shield rule for Gretchin Mobs, grots can be used as cover for models behind them when the grots are shot "through." What exactly does this mean?
The rules for 40K state that "models" block line of sight. This does not mean that squads do, only models. This means that shooters can pick targets behind other squads as long as the shot goes between models in the interposing squad. When this type of shooting happens "through" a gretchin squad the targeted models can use the Living Shield rule.
12) First, when a character with Squigs (attack or hound) or Grots as wargear dies are they removed as well? One the one hand they're wargear and so should go with the character, but on the other they are models with a profile of their own.
Hmmmm. Tempting as it is to keep Grots and Squigs in play I think they're going to have to be removed if the character dies to prevent all sorts of weirdness breaking out.
Also, grots and squigs do become part of the squad their character is part of, so they do count toward the number of losses a unit sustains when working out whether or not the squad has taken 25% casualties from shooting. They also count toward casualties in hand to hand combat. If removed as part of the loss of their character, they are counted as casualties as well.
13) Can you put Imperial vehicle upgrades on looted vehicles, or are you limited to only Orky vehicle upgrades.
Orky vehicle upgrades only.
14) It would seem that Ork vehicles with a Red Paint Job and Turbo can actually move 7" and still be stationary! Turbo says that "for shooting and disembarking troops the vehicle counts as moving the speed it went before the turbo boosters were added." The Red Paint Job says it adds +1" to the move distance so a fast ork vehicle could move 13" and still fire one weapon and or allow troops to disembark (which therefor means it counts only as having moved 12").
If I announce I am going 0", I can Turbo up to 6", counting as moving 0" (the speed I went before boosting) and then add 1" to this distance and still fire/disembark as if I had not moved at all.
Not true, see the turbo boost rules. Realize that the 4+ refers to the distance rolled. ie if you get an extra 4, 5 or 6" on the dice roll you can't shoot or disembark. The ork vehicle could, therefor hope to roll a 3 or less and get the benefits you mention, but its pretty risky!
15) When Flash Gitz upgrade to kustom jobs, do all of them have to take the same one?
16) I noticed the phrasing of the Flash Gitz kustom jobs is much like Krak grenades and the like in that it says the "entire mob may be given....."
When you buy Krak grenades for a squad you cannot choose to upgrade just a few models. They all must get the grenades and all must pay the points for them. Is the parallel phrasing intentional? In other words, in a mob of 10 Gitz if I choose to upgrade them all to, for example, Shootier, I must pay 20 points to do so. Then, after paying those 20 points, I can get 4 models burnas for an additional 24 points, thus "wasting" the 8 points spent in upgrading the shootas that those 4 burnas no longer have. Is this the intent?
Yes that's right. Bear in mind that Devastators etc pay extra points for having their extra heavy weapons - with Flash Gitz this is covered by the points spent on kustom jobs instead.
17) Choppas. The rule says "In close combat choppas limit the saving throw and enemy model can have to a 4 at best." This does not stipulate "armor saves." Does this mean that invulnerable saves are altered as well?
No, the choppa modifier applies only to armour saves.
18) Throughout the Ork list, squads are given the option "for an additional X points, one of the Whateverorks may be upgraded to a Nob." Burna Boyz are the only squad that does not follow this. They say "For an addition +9pts the Burna Boyz mob may be led by a Mekboy." I take this to be intentional and thus allows the mob to be 11 orks strong. Is this correct?
19) When a Ork mob losses a round of combat to a fearsome opponent, they don't get a size check, correct?
No, remember the mob size check comes after failing a morale check, so in this case you fail the morale check automatically and then take a mob size check.
20) Do Orks mob up before the enemy gets to advance (and potentially wipe out the Ork Mob)?
No, the rules state you check for mobbing up 'once moves are complete', therefore any pursuits, crossfires etc. would take effect first.
21) An Ork unit fails to regroup, and falls back with a movement that would take them off the board edge. They do have another mob behind them, so they fall back in that direction, but still have so much movement that they get to the edge with movement to spare. They are at this point within 6" of the other unit still. They try a Last Chance to Regroup (we'll assume they are above 50%, etc) but fail, being Orks. Can they attempt to Mob Up? Or do they scamper off the board?
Hmm, I would say no, based on the fact the rule states that mobbing up is done "after all moves are complete". In this case the complete move takes the Orks off the battlefield, severely cramping joining their mates.
22) If orks in mega armour fall back, they move half the distance rolled on the dice (because they count as being in difficult terrain). Do mega boosters help them fall back any faster?
Hadn't thought of it like that but the rule states that boostas allow you to reroll the distance moved, which I would interpret as any movement distance involving dice rolls (i.e. fallback, normal move, assault). Bear in mind that all Ork mega armour moves are made as through difficult ground. This could also go for advance & assault movements too (all we could think of here).
23) Do Ork units behind the bikers receive a cover save when fired at by Guess range weapons? (ex. Griffin with or without LOS lobs a shell towards the Orks and hits a unit behind the bikers . 5+ cover save?) Ditto on Ordnance Weapons too for that matter.
Also, what if the firing weapon is say on a hill, the bikes in the valley, and the target on another hill (such that the path of the bullet would not go through the bikes)?
I guess bottom line on it is would targets get a save if the enemy are not really firing though the warbikes but instead over them?
In order to keep the rules clean; yes the save will apply against any attempts to fire past the warbikes whether its over, under or through. This'll apply to Grot screens too of course (cross out 'murk' and insert 'bodies').
24) Are Killer Kans treated as Ork Dreadnoughts with regards to vehicle upgrades?
Yep, treat as dreadnoughts in all respects.
25) Can Lootas take the transport option from a squad?
Yes they can.
26) Can big gunz be targeted as vehicles, and therefor cannot be screened by models?
Yep, 'fraid so. Try to go for max crew and include a Mek with kustom force field and tools so he can fix broken gunz. This should help them last.
27) If a looted Rhino is upgraded with weapon options (bolt on big shootas for example), would that mean only 1 Rhino could be taken (since any upgrade would put it above 50 points)? Or is it just for the initial cost where you have to deal with the 51+points limitation?
The former - it's the vehicle worth that's the issue.
28) Is the indirect fire option for a basilisk considered a weapon option or a vehicle upgrade? The reason I ask is that Ork looted vehicles can take the weapon options, but not the upgrades, of the looted vehicles. In other words, is a looted ork basilisk capable, for +25 points, of firing indirectly?
It's an option, so can be taken for a looted basilisk. The vehicle upgrades are listed separately.
29) If an independent character takes grot or squig wargear, is he still an independent character? He seems to almost be a small squad at that point.
Yes. Wargear is still wargear, even if it has legs.
30) As it is a Guess Weapon (barrage), the Stomp Weirdboy power causes pinning, right?
I suppose they do really
31) A Weirdboy has joined a mob of boyz, as he has to. They are all behind a forest and have no Line of Sight beyond it. Can the ork player declare that the "mob" is shooting a target beyond the wood, having only the Weirdboy shoot?
Yes, though it's highly unorky.
32) Does a Weirdboy have to shoot the same target unit as his mob?
33) When using Forced March (US White Dwarf 238 Chapter Approved), do orks get to use their size check after taking casualties?
Yes. The will, therefor, not run away if they pass.
34) If I take 3 looted Rhinos, first of all, can they carry any one (Rhino specifies Marines may be carried, not orks)?
I'm not even going to dignify this with an answer (yes).
35) If so, can they group together to transport a squad of 30 Boyz?
I guess the same question applies to some other armies. For example, can 3 Land Raiders be used to transport 30 Cultists or can 2 of them transport one squad of 20 Berzerkers? I assumed the answer was yes, providing that the vehicles maintained 2" coherency. Of course, this could only be done with vehicles that are not squad-linked. For example, you obviously cannot buy a second Rhino for a Berzerker squad to accomodate the extra 10 men, but it seems ok to get 2 heavy support Raiders and share that way.
How can I put this?
No No NO!
We've talked this one out before now and the conclusion was that we shouldn't allow squads to split across multiple vehicles. Why? Because its too weird, causes problems with what happens if one is destroyed or immobilized, and the limit on the size of mechanized units means that foot slogging infantry still get to have some role in the game, instead of being completely out-moded (like they are in Epic for example).
36) What I want to do is take an ork biker nob and but a little side car on it to carrry three attack squigs around. All it would be is a way to visually represent the squigs keeping up with the bikes. It would have no special rules impact. It would still be just a biker nob and three squigs (no attack bike benefit).
I also want to chain three squigs with their tongues wagging behind them (like a dog leaning out a car window) to a Stormboy nob and have them zipping through air with reckless abandon. It would look goofy (in a good way) and orky I think.
The question that comes up is will the presence of the squigs slow down the bikes or stormboyz since, rules-wise, they do not have bikes or jump packs themselves? Or are they wargear (as you once put it "Wargear is still wargear, even if it has legs") and can hitch a ride like a bionic (squig) arm? They do, after all, get removed when their "master" goes away _and_ count as casualties. It would be a nice (and fun!) little perk for them.
They would slow the unit down as down because it would only be able to move/assault at the speed of the slowest.
37) Is a slugga (single handed weapon) with Kustom: More dakka (wargear) a _different weapon_ from a slugga (shw) with Kustom: Shootier (different wargear). This is important for a Bigmeks Mekboy bodyguard. I guess if they are, that means all five Mekboyz can have burnas:
1) Burna
2) Burna + claw
3) Burna + choppa
4) Burna + slugga
5) Burna + kustom slugga.
or (better yet)
1) burna
2) burna + slugga
3) burna + Dakka slugga
4) burna + Shootier slugga
5) burna + Blasta slugga
It would seem this gets around their "violent aversion to standardized weapons." They are, after all, Kustomized (a far cry from standardized).
Hmmm this is something of an attempt to evade the spirit of the rule while not actually breaking the letter of it. The first example you give I'd say was legitimate (just barely) as at least they all have different combinations of weapons. The second uses the same combinations with some tweaks to try and satisfy the rule. It's a fine line but I'd say yes to the first and no to the second.
38) When moving Nobs in Mega armour I have always rolled for each Nob separately...otherwise putting one character in mega armour with a unit will slow the whole unit down, which doesn't seem right. Also, if there is a Warboss without Mega Armour I have always moved him his normal move since I understood that coherency is suspended mid-combat.
The mega booster wargear entry specifies that Nobs with the booster move separately to Nobs without it, not that they all move at the speed of the slowest.
So, when making a charge or sweeping advance with a retinue that includes some Mega Armoured Nobs, who may each move at differing speeds, what speed should the Warboss move at?
What the rulebook says is that Orks in mega-armour move 'as if they were in difficult terrain', and therefore the different movement rates of the two types of model are covered by the rules for difficult terrain which explain what to do if some models are in difficult terrain and others are not.
39) On page 8 of Codex: Orks, it states that, "The Warboss may be accompanied by between five and ten Nobz," and "If a Warboss is accompanied by a bodyguard he may also be accompanied by up to two Mekboyz."
On page 111 of White Dwarf #247 for August, 2000, Karl Renwick writes in his description of his Ork warband that, "(his) Warboss was escorted by three Nobs with choppas and two Mek Boyz with burnas . . .."
1) If the minimum number of Nobz in a Warboss' bodyguard is five, then how can he have only three Nobz in the bodyguard?
2) Do the two Mekboyz count as part of the bodyguard, bringing the total up to five? If so, why?
Karl Renwick screwed up his army list. The bodyguard starts at 5 Nobz and then you can add extra Meks etc. Any other interpretation is getting a bit too creative really.
40) How does the addition of Cybork Bodies in a unit affect the 'Mixed Armor' rule? It seems from the wording of the rule that you would ignore them untill there are NO other models in the mob (after having soaked up some casualties from a lesser save).
This situation becomes more dramatic (and odd) if they outnumber any other type of model in the mob.
How is this resolved? The mixed armour rule is only applied to armour saves, whereas Cybork body gives an invulnerable saving throw. On this basis it would be most logical to ignore the Cybork body altogether, saves would be taken using the most prevalent armour type -regardless of whether the Orks in question had Cybork bodies or not.
41) Warboss and 10 Nobz in mega armor, 2 Mekboyz and 2 Mad Doks. Each Nob has an attack squig and the Doks each have 3 orderlies. The Warboss and the Nobz have a 2+ save ( 11 of them). The Mekboys and Doks have 3+(heavy armor and a bionic bonce - 4 of them). The squig hounds have a 6+(10 of them) and the orderlies have no save (6 of them). So, with this unit of 31 figures would the save be a 2+? The Rules mention a majority of the unit, but in this example there is no majority.
2+ - majority (until casualties anyway)
42) Do Ammo runts affect the armor save of a unit? Their rules state that they cannot be chosen as a casualty from enemy shooting. So if a unit of 1 Warboss and 9 Nobz in mega armor each with 3 ammo runts is the save a "-" or is it a 2+?
2+, as you say, runts can't be chosen as casualties and hence can't make saves.
43) Power of the Waaagh! Tests: Do Killer Kans get to Waaagh? (They are listed as a Mob.)
1) Does a Wraithlord have to strike last as it has Dreadnought Close Combat Weapons? Some are quoting the rulebook page 91, Dreadnought Close Combat Weapons "In other words, for Dreadnoughts close combat weapons count as power fists, but it strikes according to its normal initiative value instead of always striking last." They are focusing on the part 'FOR DREADNOUGHTS', and using that to say non-dreadnought units with DCCW strike like a powerfist.
Tell anyone who asks this one to stop being so bloody literal! They do not strike last.
2) Warlock power Enhance - this is not cumulative, correct (5 in a retinue would not boost WS by +5)?
Correct, it is not cumulative.
3) Crystal Targetting Matrix& Star Engines - can you use both in same turn? It seems kind of a way to get around the Star Engine no can fire in shooting phase to shoot with the CTM in the movement phase...
No, you shouldn't be able to fire when you use the star engines.
4) Under the Support Weapon Battery it says the each Guardian is 20pts per model. Is this correct (D-Cannon 70pts= 40pts for 2 crew + 30pts for weapon) or is that 20pts for 2 Guardians (D-Cannon 50pts= 20pts for 2 crew+ 30pts for weapon)?
The points value is per gun and crew, then the type of gun is added on top (per model includes the weapon and two crew members, this could have been a little clearer).
5) Would the Space Marine Psychic Hood work against Warlock Powers? It does say they are treated as psychic powers in all respects, except the need for a Psychic test. If it does effect them, when does the Marine player roll for the Psychic Hood? Can he use it on every Warlock on the table each turn? Can he use it on both players turn? Can he use it on every Warlock power? Any insight you can give would be great.
For the powers Embolden, Conceal and Enhance, I'd say the Space Marine player can attempt to use the psychic hood at the start of the Space Marine turn. If he is successful, the power has no effect for the rest of the Space Marine turn. For Destructor it is easier, you simply declare you are using the psychic hood when the Eldar player announces that he is unleashing the power and proceed as normal.
6) Do Warlocks count as an HQ choice or are they treated like a Command Squad/Retinue and do not count as a separate choice? I only ask because it does not say that they are not counted as a separate HQ choice like similar units in other Codex books. To us it would seem that they are counted as a HQ choice.
They are not a separate HQ choice, treat them like a bodyguard.
7) Do the Warlocks, that are assigned to units other than the Farseer, still count as HQs for the Space Marine's victory conditions in Planet Fall?
No they don't, they effectively become part of the unit, much like a veteran sergeant, and this means they're also counted for half-strength etc.
8) Another fast one on Mind War: If you have an Invulnerable Save & are hit with it, do you make one save against all the effects (say multiple wounds) or a save against each wound result you take (say if you lost by 3, you roll against a save vs each one).
Save against each wound seperately
9) Seer Council: When a mission targets HQ leader(s) for it's goal, who is the target in the Seer Council? (There is no precise leader model in that unit.)
Tricky..... I'd go for the Farseers, all must be killed to qualify ( tough I know but I don't see a more logical choice)
10) Warp Spiders and Withdraw: There have been questions on when this power is usable
a) Enemy unit lost and passed Moral Check
b) Enemy unit lost and failed Moral Check
c) Warp Spiders lost and passed Moral Check
d) Warp Spiders lost and failed Moral Check (and then regroups under power description)
e) Tie on Moral High Ground
According to the Codex it's used at the end of the assault phase so that would mean on a], c ] or e] since on any other result one side or the other would be falling back
11) Can a model use fleet of foot to embark? I can see where it's not 'officially' in the rules but I can't see where it could be abused so I thought I'd ask you folks. We had also assumed a model could indeed move in his transport, get out 2 inches, then fleet of foot, then assault - any problem there?
No, embarking or disembarking is a maneuver that must be done in the Movement phase.
12) The Seer Council used the Fortune power throughout the game to re-roll their saves. We were under the impression that they could not do that since the Fortune power SPECIFICALLY identifies Armor and Cover saves and doesn't mention Invulnerable saves (2 out of three mentioned seems pretty intentional).
Fortune does apply to invulnerable saves, unfortunately Gav assumed the rune armour save being invulnerable would be covered by the wording (Doh)
13) In White Dwarf 250 in the Eldar Q&A it seems to make the distinction that a SM Librarian with the Psychic hood can only Nullify 1 power per turn,
Well, one warlock power per turn actually
but it says so in an arguable way. According to past answers Librarians could use it against any number of powers per turn (one at a time!). Is this still so?
Best to clarify this as it being able to affect one power per phase (with the start of the turn counting as a separate phase)
14) Clarification of a Clarification. Taken from the GT 40K Clarifications
3. If a Warlock is assigned to squad duty, he doesn't still count as one of the five in the Farseer's Retinue or the three in a Seer Council.
Is this another case of the codex doesn't say what it means? All of the text in the specific entries say that the warlock in the squad is one from the body guard. The body guard has a finite number of warlocks (5 per farseer). It seems pretty clear to us. Or is this possibly referring only to the points of said warlock not being part of the retinue any longer and just worded unclearly?
This is clarifying the point that Warlocks who are reassigned are no longer considered part of the original unit for the purposes of VPs, half strength and so forth.
1) Does a Hellhound with Smoke Launchers count hits as Glancing Hits? Ditto for being Hull Down.
Hellhounds that are hull down or in smoke *do* count the hits as glancing hits.
2) Can the Crew Escape Mechanism work if the vehicle is plastered even by an Ordnance 6 result?
In this case the crew would not survive.
3) Does Ox, of the Last Chancers, have a loader?
No he doesn't; he's so strong he carries the ammo himself. Sadly the reference to this was 'edited out', but should be in the second print run books.
4) If a model were hit by a weapon with an AP low enough to not allow an armor save, would you still be allowed to ignore it by using a medi-pack? Say a guard unit with a medi-pack got hit by an AP 4 weapon. No save allowed, so dead guy. Could they ignore that first hit?
No they couldn't. You ignore the first failed saving throw *you roll*.
Sisters of Battle (White Dwarf Articles)
1) The Blade of Admonition states that "all models" within 2" of the bearer don't count for purposes of outnumbering. I assume that there is an editing glitch here - it surely means "all ENEMY models".
Example - a lone Chaos Marine in close combat with five Seraphim inc. one with Blade of Admonition, makes a morale test. But as ALL models are within 2" of the bearer he doesn't count as outnumbered! What is your call on this?
You are quite correct, it should say enemy models.
1) In the Catachan codex Rough Terrain Modifications allow their Sentinels to re-roll their movement dice for rough terrain. Would this also be true for regular Sentinels too?
Yes it would.
2) Jump pack troops and Bikes die on a roll of 1 on a d6 if they move into difficult terrain. Does this still trigger a booby trap?
Yes it does.
3) If you use Deathworld Veteran Snipers in a normal Imperial Guard army, if the mission allows infiltrators to use a free movement before the game starts, can the Snipers use that movement?
4) Also if the Snipers are held in Reserve can they just be placed on the table edge and never moved, or can they not be brought on at all?
Snipers held in reserve may not be used.
5) Does the special ability of Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken " Catachan Devil Force" entitle his force to more than the 0-1 Catachan Devils Squads, or does he still only get the one but can take it as a troops selection.
He can have any number of Catachan Devils squads.
6) Do the Heavy Flamer weapons teams have one heavy flamer and one normal guy or can you get 2 heavy flamers. The confusion stems from the Catachan vs Dark Eldar battle report where a Veteran Assault team had 2 heavy flamers in the unit. The codex seems to be clear that you get the weapon just like any other "team" weapon ( with a gunner and a loader) but the Heavy flamer models has no loader and is packaged 2 heavy flamers to a blister.
The WD team wrote up the army list wrong (the squad only had one heavy flamer). The Codex is correct, just ignore the WD list.
7) If a Catachan Sniper is subjected being Tank Shocked (assuming the tank passed the difficult terrain test), How would you resolve it?
Now that is a rhetorical question! Roll a D6 for it I guess, 1-3 he gets squashed, 4-6 he doesn't, but I really don't believe this has actually come up in play.
1) Does the Combi-Bolter work as a Bolter (except on the turn that it's used as a Storm Bolter)?
2) Does this mean that it can be combined with the True Grit skill?
3) Does this mean that any of the combi bolter-melta/plasma etc. weapons can be used with the True Grit skill (apart from the turn that they utilize the "one-shot" Plasma/Melta etc. aspect)?
4) When you give a Blood Claws Bike Pack jump packs, do the Blood Claws get Frag Grenades or the option to buy them? Frag Grenades are not listed in the equipment they receive in their Squad entry box.
It's an oversight, but we'll just have to live with it for now. I guess that the older Space Wolves just don't trust the young 'uns with jump packs and frag grenades ; )
5) Would a Wolf Lord plus Fenris Wolves constitute a Mixed Armor formation?
6) Can the Wolf Guard Battle Leader take the Mark of the Wulfen since he buys his wargear from the wolf guard side of the chart?
No there, as it's listed as Wolf Guard (Elite selection) only.
7) Master Crafted Weapon doesn't have a 't' by it. Was this a typo, or can models in Terminator Armor really not Master Craft anything?
It's the weapon that needs the 't' rather than the upgrade in this case. I'll add a 't' when we reprint just to make things crystal clear.
8) Are Logan Grimnar & Ragnar Independent Characters? They are not listed as one, but they are listed as Wolf Lords.
Yes. They are independent characters.
9) Can Logan or Ragnar have Fenrisian Wolves? They are not listed as being able to get them, but they are listed as Wolf Lords.
No they can't. You must take characters as written, and we could not include Wolves with the models.
10) Just a quick question about the Wolf Guard Battle Leader. Can a Wolf Guard Battle Leader in Terminator armour take a Terminator Heavy Weapon or can one in Power Armour take a normal Heavy Weapon? It seems that he can by the Codex, but we just wanted to make sure of that.
Ignore the reference to heavy weapons in the Wolf Guard Battle Leader entry. It's a typo.
11) The rules state that a Wolf Guard with a heavy weapon cannot get any other weapons, does this refer to all Wolf Guard or just those in power armor? (i.e. can a Wolf Guard Terminator get an assault cannon and power fist?)
It only refers to those in power armour.
12) Imagine a rune priest leading a Bloodclaw squad and casting his psychic power on them. All are equipped with frag grenades, and they decide to assault an enemy unit in cover. What exactly happens:
a) Due to the psychic power we all strike in order of initiative
b) The Priest and the Bloodclaws automaticallly throw the frag grenades as they charge and
the h-h is resolved simultaneously
c) The frag grenades nullify the enemy unit's cover, which would mean that the Wolves
strike first as they are still in cover.
d) Other...
b) is true unless the opposition has plasma grenades in which case they fight in Initiative order.
13) Can a Blood Claws squad upgrade their 1 guy in 5 to take two of the options, so that he has both a plasma pistol & power weapon? So he has changed in his close combat weapon for a power weapon (or power fist) and his bolt pistol for a plasma pistol? Or is it just one cool weapon upgrade per model?
I really can't see any problem with one model getting both upgrades if that is what a player wants to do.
Codex Armageddon general questions
1) Are the new units in the Armageddon website "official" or to be considered Chapter Approved? Or just official for the duration of the campaign?
They're not tested, so count them as official for the duration of the campaign. If we get positive feedback we can see about incorporating them properly.
Speed Freaks
1) Do Dethkopters (or even ordinary bikers) *have* to use their psycho-blaster attack on the first close combat round? Even when going up against vehicles?
In answer to your question, the way I read it the warbikes' psycho blasta attack is a very extreme form of special close combat attack like a powerfist and ergo, like a power fist it can be eschewed if desired.
2) Can Speed Freaks use the normal Ork vehicle upgrades from the Codex Orks or are they limited to the ones in Codex Armageddon?
They can use both lists o' course.
3) If you take a Battlewagon for your Speed Freaks Warboss, does this count as your one and only Battlewagon?
Now its a transport option so it doesn't count against the limit.
So how many Battle Wagons can they take?
6 in total, one hvy support + up to 5 as transports
4) Can a Warboss & his mob ride in a Looted Vehicle instead of taking a Wartrukk or Battlewagon? The letter of the law says only Wartrukks or Battlewagons, but it seemed right to put him in a huge tank!
Letter of the law applies.
1) Is the second flamer in the tactical squad an error? Should it be a heavy flamer?
Sweet Jesus. No it isn't a typo, it means precisely (for once) what it says - you can trade in your heavy weapon slot for an extra flamer (not heavy flamer) for 10 pts. It costs more because two flamers is more than twice as good as one.
2) If a special character has a wargear item that is limited (to say one per army, etc), does that limit count towards anyone else in the army?
We're asking as the Emperor's Champion has an Iron Halo, which is one per army. We also saw the cool conversion for the High Marshall in White Dwarf, to give him an Iron Halo. You must take an EC in your army, so by having those two together it would mean 2 Iron Halos were in use. We had assumed that a limit would hold, even for special character use, but seeing the model made us want to be sure.
The intention is that the Emperor's Champion gets the armys one and only Iron Halo. Don't be fooled by that halo-like growth on the back of the force commander's back in the photos; that's his UHF aerial.
Planetary Defense Force
1) What area of the force selection chart do Hive Gang Militia come from? Are they Troops or something else entirely? We didn't see anything stated, but we may have missed it.
They count as Troops. Probably shouldn't have put the word 'Defence Force' in front of it.
2) Chaos cultists get AP5 Heavy Stubbers while hive militia get ones that are AP6. Which of these is right, or does each unit get the rules listed in their list?
AP 6 for both. Codex Armageddon takes precedence over the White Dwarf on Cultists.
Black Templars
1) The Black Templar mixed armor saves rule does not say that it applies only to shooting as the Space wolf one does. Does it apply to ALL wounds taken or just shooting like the Space Wolves?
Yes, as with Orks and Space Wolves, this rule only applies to shooting attacks.
2) The Emperor's Champion's rules state that he is always an Independent Character and he cannot get a Command Squad, but does this preclude him from ever joining another unit like a normal Independent Character can?
Hes an independent character. That is correct as stated.
3) Black Templar Terminators: Do Black Templar Terminators get to make a sweeping advance when they take the Accept Any Challenge, No Matter The Odds vow?
Steel Legion
1) Under the Chimera Special Rules it states "They may also be used for Chimeras in a standard Imperial Guard army as long as both players are aware of the rules before the game starts'. Does this mean that it is Optional and that if your opponent doesn't want to play that way you cant (like special characters). Or can you 'educate' them just before the game?
They aren't optional, but they can't be 'sprung ' on a player either, whether telling someone what they are just before a game counts as them being sprung on them depends on the player, I imagine.
2) Under the Chimera Special Rules as well it doesn't say that the Lasguns are 'vehicle mounted'. Are they then standard infantry lasguns for the purposes of Rapid Firing or are they actually considered Vehicle mounted?
Standard infantry weapons.
3) "Armageddon Sentinel" - does this mean to use the special option for lascannon, you need to field:
(a) Any IG force
(b) Only Steel Legion (ie., mechanized company)
(c) Steel Legion & PDF
(d) something else :)
Well it says any Armageddon force, which I would interpret as (a) in effect since there are plenty of Guard forces on Armageddon. It's a new piece of kit for Guard players. I think it would rather unreasonable to limit it to the duration of the campaign or just Steel Legions.
4) Armageddon Codex:p.29 "All units in a Steel Legion Mechanized Infantry Company(SLMIC) must either be vehicle units, or have a Chimera transport vehicle. Units that don't normaly have the option of taking a Chimera transport vehicle, such as heavy weapons teams, must do so at +70pts, plus the cost of any upgrades taken." "deathworld Vetrans units from Codex: Catachans may not be used in a SLMIC"
They allow any unit not normally allowed a Chimera to take one, and list units not allowed in the SLMIC. Assassins are not mentioned, but other codexes are. I know several people are running SLMICs, and if this is legal, I want to know before it's sprung on me by some nefarious types (Jeff Wild). More important than if its OK, why not if it isn't. Will a black Chimera roll up, and Neural Sredder my Blood Angels? When I finish my SLMIC, will I be able to field her, or only for my regular guard? By strict reading of the rules, it seems that the Assassin would be required to buy a Chimera, and not be able to infiltrate(like storm troopers as in Codex IG).
Units take from the Heroes could join a unit, so I'd say that since they could join & therefore be transported that they have to be. Assassins cannot join units, so can't join a unit inside a transport, so they would be exempt. Making a Vindicare ride around in a Chimera would lead to bad sniping I'd imagine :)
Other Heroes would hitch a lift with a unit though?
Codex Assassins
1) Came across an interesting rules question about the Vindicare's Marksman special ability. The question was that since he can "Target any model in range and Line of Sight, regardless of any targeting restrictions", can he shoot into hth?
After some deliberation (we didn't know either) we decided he could shoot into h to h, at 110 pts he needs all the help he can get. Remember though that he still needs a line of sight, which'll be hard to get into a close combat.
1) Does the Assassin's Shield Breaker special ammo negate the Terminator's 5+ Invulnerable Save?
Yep, why wouldn't it?
2) The Callidus assassin uses a flamer template weapon, the nueral shredder. To cause woulds, the weapon's strength of 8 is compared against the leadership value (instead of toughness) of the target(s). Many of the bugs have a very low leadership value but, as long as they are close enough to a synapse creature the low leadership doesn't matter. But, do the bugs gain the benefit of the nearby synapse creature when hit with a nueral shredder? In other words:
If a bug is hit with a neural shredder, what leadership value is used to determine wounds?
A. The hive mind can not protect the bug from this weapon and the bug must use it's own
leadership value.
B. The will of the hive mind provides succor to the bug and the leadership of the synapse
creature is used.
Use the creatures' basic leadership for Neural shredding. The synapse rules don't affect leadership directly, they just make bugs pass morale checks automatically.