Maglor the Navigator

War Leader of Dimbar

Maglor the Navigator........................................................140 points + 30 points wargear

Maglor is the leader of all the fighting forces of Dimbar, and one of the mighty heroes of the Realm. He is renowned for his prowse with his Mithril Power Axe and Short Sword. He has fought his way onto many a deck and led many successful boarding actions.
5 7 6 4 5 3 8 3 10

Weapons: Shuriken pistol, Mithril Power Axe, and short sword.

Armour: Enhanced Mithril Armour (3+ save with scanner and protective visor).

Wargear: Maglor may have up to four wargear cards, two of these must always be his Mithril Power Axe and Enhanced Mithtil Armour.

He may be given grenades from the Grenades section of the wargear list.

Strategy: Maglor has a strategy rating of 4.

Special: Maglor has the following abilites: +1 Attack when he charges, Turn Aside Blow as per the Exarch power, and he may reroll any failed armour savings throw.

Mithril Power Axe
10 points
Range To Hit Save Armour
Short | Long Short | Long Str. Dam. Mod. Pene. Special
Close Combat Only 8 1 -5 d6+d20+8 1 handed
Maglor Only

Enhanced Mithril Armour
20 points
The Enhanced Mithril Armour was created for Maglor by the greatest Armourers of Mithrim, and includes a scanner, protective visor, and holosuit technology. 3+ armour save. Holosuit: The faster the wearer moves, the more widely dispersed his image becomes. Whenever he stops, the suit mimics the nearby terrain, so that he seems to fade out of view. All shots fired at Maglor suffer a -1 to hit modifier in addition to the normal hit modifiers for cover, target speed, etc.If Maglor hides, he can only be detected, and not spotted. In hand to hand, it is extremely difficult to locate Maglor's exact location amongst the shifting cloud of coloured shards produced by the armour, thus hand to hand opponents must roll 2d6 and score equal to or less than their Ld characteristic (the Ld of the particular model), or suffer a -1 WS penalty. Test before attack dice are rolled each hand to hand combat phase.
Maglor Only

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