Dimbar is called the Land of the Rivers, where the many rivers that flow from the central mountains of its one continent to the sea. Dimbar has only one continent, and many, many archipelagos, so the sea and seamanship are a way of life to the Kindred of this world. They build great ships to sail the seas, and carry goods from one area to another. They are great fisherman, and they have learned to farm the very seas of their world. There are many dangers in the seas of Dimbar, and the Kindred have developed special fighting techniques to deal with them. There are also many riches in the sea, and Dimbar is far from being a primitive world. Dimbar has developed a unique custom of being ruled only by a Rhian, whose mate leads the army and navy of the world when he is deemed capable. The present Rhian is Hareth, who is an Ard Ban Draoi, her consort is Maglor of the Silver Axe, called the Navigator, and is one of the great heroes of the Realm and the Fiann.
Maglor the Navigator, War Leader of Dimbar
© 1997 Thomas Setzer