Chaos Lord Tipheriusof the Word Bearers40K3 conversion by Tom and Erik Setzer; Based on 40K2 background and rules by Mike Freeman Word Bearers may be a unthreating name, but I like their paint job. Plus, their pyscho attitudes make them one of the more appealing Chaos Legions. The fact that they still have Chaplains gave me an idea for Tipherius here. Chaos Marines are undoubtedly the most zealous of all the dark followers of Chaos. Quite unique among the Marines legions, they don't worship any particular god, but Chaos itself, or Chaos Undivided. Frenzied to no extent, they fight with an inhuman fury only Chaos could grant. When the Horus Heresy occured, the Word Bearers betrayed their creators and join the ranks of Chaos. Lorgar was furious when the Emperor repremanded him for his over-zealous approach to the Great Crusade. He turned his army to the foul gods of Chaos. Lorgar persished during the Horus Heresy, but in his place now stands Tipherius, The Prophet of Chaos. When Lorgar died, Tipherius emerged form a army thrown into bedlam, racked with infighting and competition for leadership. He gathered the remnants of the Word Bearers and restored their faith in the Chaos Gods. With sermons of blood and vengeance, he formed them into an elite Chaotic strike force. Tipherius has been dubbed the "Prophet of Chaos", as his ability to inspire his followers brings incredible delight to the Chaos Gods. He is yet untouched by one particular god, but it seems that Chaos as a whole favours him, blessing him with infernal power. Clad in Terminator Armour, he is no doubt an inspiring sight to all who believe in Chaos.
Wargear: Combi Weapon (bolter-meltagun), Mace of Blood, Prophet of Chaos, Hood of Darkness, Terminator Armour
WARGEAR The Mace of Blood The Mace of Blood is a truly massive Power Mace, stained a permanent red from it's constant use and slaughter. It stores so much energy that it is sometimes casts a eerie glow of power around Tipherius, inspiring even more fear in him. The Mace of Blood counts as a power weapon with a +1 Strength modifier (making all attacks count as S5). Chaos Prophet Tipherius has been gifted by Chaos, having an uncanny ability to lead those around him. He is Fearless, and all models within 12" are also Fearless. Both Tipherius and Chaos models within 12" never have to take break tests. Helm Of Darkness This is a massively horned Terminator helmet that is blessed by Chaos. It's spiked surfave is ideal for headbutting, so it adds +1 to Tipherius' Attacks in hand-to-hand combat. It also grants him a daemonic aura (4+ inv. save). |