Lord Pestulus's Death Guard force encountered an Ork Waagh! once again, but this time the battle was not a loss... from a certain viewpoint.
The Death Guard deployed in an ambush formation, ready to leap upon the Orks and punish them for coming into their territory. The Orks, unaware of what was going on, advanced forward. The Death Guard came from their ambush positions, pouring firepower into the Orks. Two dozen Orks fell to the opening salvo. A Killer Kan was hit dead-on by the Defiler's battlecannon, blasting it apart, and the other two fell to fire from the Land Raider's lascannons.
The Orks responded furiously. They charged forward in mad mobs, quick to assault the Death Guard where they could. The Battlewagon rumbled forward to get in a shot at the Land Raider, gambling that it could survive return fire if the tank survived. Ork firepower scored a trio of kills, and the Battlewagon's zzap gun blew apart the Land Raider in one massive super-charged blast. Combat was joined, and neither side gained an upper hand as many Orks died to the loss of only four Death Guard.
With battle joined, the Chaos God Nurgle sent reinforcements in the form of Plaguebearers. A massive pack of fourteen assaulted the two mobs of Orks on the right flank that were embroiled in combat with the Death Guard. Another pack showed up on the other flank, joining that combat. The prayers for a greater daemon went unheard, however. Combats were bloody and brutal, and quickly many more Orks lay dead, along with another three Death Guard and five Plaguebearers. Pestulus, seeing the Ork Battlewagon close by, and enraged by the destruction of his Land Raider, charged the Battlewagon. He struck it twice, destroying the vehicle with his mighty blows. A quarter of the Orks inside died in the resulting chaos, the others were buried in the wreckage.
The Orks threw more bodies into combat. With a lucky overhead shot, an Earthshaker round from the Ork Basilisk arced down onto the Defiler and blasted apart the daemon engine. In the bloody combats, casualties were too numerous to count. The Orks felt victorious on the left flank, hacking apart the last of the Death Guard facing them and killing another two Plaguebearers. However, the Champion of the unit was the daemon vessel, and a greater daemon was now in the Orks' midst. Pestulus decided he would get involved in combat himself as well, charging the entangled survivors from the battlewagon. He hacked apart many of them, but one of them wounded him. The Orks were too numerous to feel threatened, and stayed in combat with him.
What followed next was a mass of combats. The left flank of Orks collapsed finally, but the Great Unclean One was seriously wounded and the Plaguebearers were all dead as well. On the right flank, the Orks slew the remaining Death Guard and the Plaguebearers, but took heavy casualties doing so.
Pestulus slew many Orks, finally tearing Kaptin Gavrin's bionic limbs from his body and leaving him for dead. But he was bloodied himself. Seeing the Basilisk still around, he headed for it. The Great Unclean One, finally unable to sustain itself after its vessel's body was slain, slipped back into the warp. Bubonicus charged after the Basilisk, blasting it apart as he did the Battlewagon.
At the end of the battle, all that remained on the field of battle were Pestulus and a handful of Orks. The two forces had slaughtered each other. The day was a draw.