How to Paint Bloodletters
First undercoat them a dark brown, then paint them blood red leaving the brown showing through in the deep recesses. Then highlight with successively lighter shades of red. Paint the horns so that they are very dark at the base blending to a light blood red at the points. Paint any details black and bronze. Paint the loin cloths either black or dark red. Paint weapons iron with bronze details. Claws and teeth should be undercoated black and then painted bleached bone, and highlighted with skull white. The eyes look good either green, or bronze.
A couple of alternatives to the above would be:
First, start as you do above, with a dark brown undercoat, but then use lighter reds, highlighting with Blazing Orange, and then Fiery Orange, with the very smallest outermost highlights Golden Yellow to give a molten effect to their flesh.
The second alternative would be to undercoat with black, then drybrush them with Red Gore or Blood Red, leaving the black in the recesses. Highlight with slightly lighter shades of red, but maintaining the very dark overall look.
I like to paint the bases of all Daemons a very dark brown and detail them wih cinder, ballast that is made for HO model railroads, to give the bases the look of a blasted landscape as I picture the Chaos Wastes would be.
-The Old Sage