The Jade Warrior

aka Ragnar

Journal of the Jade Warrior

This is a collection of notes and entries made into his journal over a long period of time
in the life of the Jade Warrior.

I know not how I came here, except that it had something to do with the Lady of the Gate of Souls and the power of her sword. I have found many of my friends here, including my daughter whom I thought to be lost to me. I have found my friends changed in many strange ways (they thirst for Power).

I will try to fit into this time and place. I am now sure it is not the Earth I have known, but some strange parallel of my Earth.

I have taken on the task of training a group of warriors, but I have sworn them to me so that I can be sure they are not used for evil!!

We have sailed this not Earth's sea in the Area of the Crimea and met many people, some normal and some mystical in nature, we have fought strange beasts and a squadron of this world's Roman Navy. I have met a drunken (demon?) and a centaur named Chiron who is a great archer and became my friend.

I have found myself praying to a God of Greek Myth and believing in him! I have found myself more and more living for honour above all else. Today I even ritually executed a local sergeant of the City Guards honour, which was a foolish thing to do because of course he is still very much alive and is now an enemy whom I may have to kill in fact, something I would have avoided before this all started.

This world is starting to affect all of us and I wonder where it will end and what we will be like in another few months!

The plan now seems to be to travel cross country to the North Atlantic and then to England. I wonder what strange peoples and beast we will meet along the way?

Several of our party seem to owe favours to strange powerful beings and have made promises that seem beyond their means to keep, all for powers they don't truly understand the use of!

I am trying to gain knowledge of these places and the politics of this place does not match what I have learned of my own Earth's history and the technology is a strange patchwork of periods. It seems almost to be the creation of someone running a Fantasy Gameworld but it is also very real, we have had several of our party severely wounded in our battles!

I have decided one thing though I will not take anything on first appearances as I have found the people of the city I first appeared in to be both corrupt and greedy.

There seems to be forces here working to create chaos and destroy civilization and I am afraid some of my friends are being used by them. Until I know more of what is truly happening here I will lead the party in a round about way along the Don Volga route if possible as there is no major civilization along this route and there is less chance that we will damage the world's timeline.

I now have a beautiful companion who seems devoted to me.

We have traveled about 30 miles up the Don and we met a Mongol Clan and made friends with them. The party seems just too willing to change sides.

William taught the Mongols how to make an aiming device for their ballista and presented a fine steel sword to the Mongol Khan of this Clan. (I wonder where this will end.)

I have finally found a priest to bless my swords for me.

My men have sworn an oath to me and I have a commitment to them as their lord and I have seen to their welfare, training and pay; now William, who has done none of these things claims their allegiance also, I think not these are my own men and I their only lord!

I believe the timeline has been broken on this world. The strange mismatch of technology seems to point to this. I think some of the answers are to be found in Rome.

I have heard tales that the Emperor is over two hundred years old. (Could he be one of the Lords of Creation I have heard about?) I believe the flow of time must be restored someway! (Wrong this is their correct timeline!)

We must bide our time and grow stronger so that we can be effective.

I have learned that William plays a strange Chess Game with an unseen opponent where a piece of his opponent's is moved every time one of the party is attacked. I must learn more of this game and how it is tied to us.

I become more and more convinced that that my friends don't understand the powers they are weilding and the responsibility it brings, they seek power only for the sake of more power, not for the good they can do with it.

There is a mighty struggle going on and someday we must all decide which part we will take. I hope that we will all be on the right side but I fear this will not be the case.

We wintered with a Mongol Clan at a Village on the Don, where we defeated a great dragon that was preying upon the people. Our battle was very badly coordinated and we lost 15 men because of it and there was heavy heavy destruction in the village which I regret happening. We have helped the people to rebuild but if we had worked together more the battle would not have been so chaotic.

Several of our party are still missing with powers and forces they don't understand and they will not take any advice to stop! I still worry that they will cause harm to this world and its people.

I will continue to seek knowledge of this world, and the powers at work here. My family will continue to be I have taken steps to see to that.

The people of this world must have a chance to develop and gain knowledge at their own pace.

I have had a warning that those who would use this world for evil will attack me, I will try to be ready when that time comes.

I have met a Lady who gave off an aura of gentleness (KuanYin?) that must have been as men have described Saints.

I have proof that in this world the Gods of Myth are real.

I have sent a present of a drinking horn showing me as the Jade Warrior Killing the Dragon to the Great Khan, this should help me to be able to gain aid, or if I need to get them to change what they are doing.

I have gained several useful books on this world's history and an atlas of this world.

I have given the Dragon's Brain and Power to Apollo as I know he will not misuse the power.

I have also given a part of the Dragon's hide and scales to Athena to be used by the Champion of Justice. I had to sell part of the dragon hides and scales to have the funds to provide for my followers.

We found that part of our party has sneaked off in the night like thieves!

We sent a messenger to Kazan and then found him murdered along the way, I will try to find out who did it.

We reached Kazan (people are still cured of disease when I am near, I am glad for the people, but it is becoming hard to move around).

I have now built a large library and from studying the books I have made a decision on what to do. I will aid the old Alliance against the Romans, to end their rule of tyranny.

I must return to Serai (Kazan)!

I used my ability to see across great distances to observe the others in their battle with Fhafnir and the Grey Lady, they made one mistake after another, it is a wonder any of them survived! Pete fell under the control of a powerful Demon during the battle.

The sword Grimald is the only sure way to stop Fhafnir.

I had Pete get Grimald and deliver it to Odin.

I was met by Brynhild the Valkyre and carried to Gladshiem to speak with Odin. When I arrived, Odin gave me a wish, I wished for the Warrior Rune which he gave me. He then asked me to lead the finest Warriors of the Norse against the German Roman Empire. I accepted the task and was teleported to Keil where I found my equipment and my original men, the Mongols were left in Kazan.

I have traveled to the Sacred Groves of Odin on Fyn where I had my armour and weapons inlaid with Power Runes, I also had Angelas done for her. I studied with the RunePriests.

I went then to the Place of Fire and claimed Brynhild as my wife.

I then returned to Aggersborg made sure the training was being done correctly.

Sylvia gave me a fine son who I named Johann the Red.

I am now traveling to Birka and the All Thing. I will also visit the Great Market and Fair while I am there.

After attending the All Thing and the Games I traveled to the Leper Colony and healed the people there and recruited the able males for the Army, I did this in disguises so no one would know who I was. I then returned to Aggersborg and resumed training the Army I have continued my studies each day so as to be prepared when the time comes that I may need the power of the Runes.

I have continued to keep a watch upon my companions in their wanderings. They have brought too much technology into this world. I am afraid this will upset the natural progression of the people in this world.

Revolt seems to be spreading among the peoples in the French areas (or what would be French in my world) caused in great part by the actions of my companions!

William and Alex are now trying to acquire Lasers and other weapons and vehicles from a futuristic world beyond the Gate at Stonehenge, I am praying they will be unsuccessful as it would cause havoc in this world which is basically mideival in progress and customs.

The ones of us who went into the south are acting truly chaotic and are sure to bring disaster to themselves and those who are around them. They will keep on messing with things they do not understand and will not hear any advice to stop.

The inevitable has finally happened, one of the Great Lords of Creation has taken a hand to stop the influx of technology to this world the Grey Lady has destroyed the Gate at Stonehenge and changed reality so that outside technology no longer works in this world. She has returned William and Alex to Rostov where this all began.

I have the Dragon's Treasure now, agreat deal of gold and silver, a necklace made of five great gems on a glasslike chain that is totally indestructible, I have discovered that these are each a Gate to another dimension that you can move to just by thinking of where you wish to go. The necklace also multiplies your force of will, and aids in wielding magic.

I have now learned to control my healing aura so that it only works when and how I wish. I have found that I am immune to disease and poisons and that I regenerate any damage done to me quickly, I heal in a minute what would have taken a week or more in the past!

At this time only border clashes are being fought the Romans have been defeated in several battles and have withdrawn to their bases.

I have recently traveled to other dimensions (Ancient Greece, 17th Century Carribean, 19th Century Western US, 20th Century US but not my own world!). I know now for sure that my world has had a Nuclear War and my family is gone except Angela who is in Preddo.

I have many homes and yet I always miss my home that is gone forever.

I have led Norse Warriors against Roman Legiones, I have led English Freebooters against the Galleys of Spain, I have fought in Ancient Wars, I have been in duels with Nobles and fought gun fights with Roughneck Gunmen, I have also been/am a wealthy Jetsetter, and yet I still search and know not what I search for!

I gained control of the chessboard today and with Prometheus's aid I put Erebus in Check, when he saw the game was lost he fled to an unknown dimension, at least this foolish chess match is ended, we dstroyed the link between some of my friends William mainly and Erebus (he was controlling them through the game).

William still won't admit the danger he was in and that he had put several others in, he actually resents me for saving him.

William and Alex are on their own now, Prometheus, Kuan-Yin, Chiron, the Olympians, and the Asgardians have washed their hands of them and removed all their magic abilities and items from them! I don't know where they have been sent, but I'll bet it isn't pleasant.

It seems that I am destined to continue to wander the dimensions fighting Chaos with no hope of return to the life that I have left behind, so I will go forth and meet fortune with a smiling face, for to do otherwise would be to give up..........

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