Intergame Events

by Stephen Pearson

During the week you spend looking for new equipment it is likely other things will happen to you. Here is a table of possible events. Also there are rules for visiting the Doc and weapon customisation.

The maximum number of rolls you get on the table is equal to the speed of your character. You must roll once to see want happens to you this campaign week. Any rolls on this table you wish to make must be worked out before seeing if you find the equipment/ weaponry you are after this week.

If you have to leave the settlement halve the chances of finding what you are looking for.

If you end up with negative points (you can’t get negative points by choice! Only if your points are tricked out of you or are stolen from you) you must leave the settlement immediately and may not return until you have earned enough points to pay off the debt. Or you can try and become a beggar by passing an Sg test, if you do you gain back 2D3 points before being thrown out of the settlement.

You can try and sell old equipment Roll a D10, 1= If you pass a Nv test you con some poor fool into paying 1.5 what the equipments worth, otherwise they see through your bluff and pay you the equipments value, 2-5= You receive the number of points equal to its value, 6-9= You are only offered half of what its worth, if you don’t want to accept this you must pass a Wp test or you part with equipment anyway, 10= No one will buy your equipment, you will have to wait till next week to try again.

Any injuries you sustain you start the next game with (i.e. if you added 5 points to your injury total you would start the next game with that much damage.

D100 Roll  
1-2 Thrown out of town – Your riotous behaviour in the settlements bars and saloons leads to you being thrown out of town.
3 Uneventful
4 Pickpocket – You lose D3 points.
5 Dodgy dealings – You meet a shadowy figure in the bar who says he knows what you want. If you decide to trust him roll a D10, 1=Tricked, you are ambushed and take an Str D10 hit (add this to your injury total) and lose D3 points., 2-5= Unable to help, 6-10= Double your chances of finding what you are looking for this week.
6 Uneventful
7 Side show: Test Of Strength – You spot an amusing side show which tests your strength by seeing if you can hit a pad hard enough to ring the bell. If you wish to take part pay D3 points and take a Str test with the following modifiers; +15% if wearing power armour or you have a bionic arm, -15% if you are trying to appear inconspicuous. If you pass you win D3+1 points.
8 Bad Ammo – At the start of the next game roll a D10. On the roll of 1 or 2 your ammo is of a poor quality and one randomly determined clip of ammo doesn’t work! This only has effect for one game after which you are assumed to have replaced the faulty ammo.
9 Uneventful
10 Side show: Test Of Nerve – You spot an amusing side show which tests your nerves by seeing if you can keep your bare hand in a box with a particularly vile creature for 30 ticks. If you wish to take part pay D3 points and take a Nv test with the following modifiers; +15% if you are a mutant or a psyker, -15% if you are trying to appear inconspicuous. If you pass you win D3+1 points.
11 Over production – For this week only common items cost 2 points, rare items cost 3 points and exotic items cost 7 points.
12 Uneventful
13 Side show: Gambling – You are intrigued by a betting game and decide to try your luck. Roll a D10, 1= Big loss you get carried away and lose 2D3 points, 2-3= You lose D3 points and come away a little wiser, 4-7= Evens you make of lose nothing, 8-9= You make D3 points, 10= Lady luck has smiled on you and you make 2D3 points.
14 Boom time – The chances of finding the equipment you are after has doubled.
15 Uneventful
16 Side show: Test Of Wit– You spot an amusing side show which tests your mental agility by seeing if you can complete a particularly fiendish puzzle in under 30 ticks. If you wish to take part pay D3 points and take a Sg test with the following modifiers; +15% if you have Mechadendrites or you are a Telekinetic, -15% if you are trying to appear inconspicuous. If you pass you win D3+1 points.
17 Master teacher – A master teacher is in town and will teach you one new skill for the price of 2 points instead of the usual 3.
18 Uneventful
19 Side show: Shooting gallery – You spot a shooting gallery. If you wish to try pay D3 points and take a shot as normal with the water gun (there are both pistols and basic) as normal with the following modifiers; +10% if you are a Telekinetic, -20% small target (takes account of rested weapon bonus), -15% if you are trying to appear inconspicuous. If you pass you win D3+1 points.
20 Cheated – A dishonest trader has cheated you. He sells you the equipment you are after but its not until the next game you realise it’s a fake. Throw the item away in disgust.
21 Uneventful
  1. Gambling Den – If you wish to place a bet roll a D10.
    1. You’ve been had – The establishment takes you for all you’ve got before throwing you out. You gamble away all your points!

2-3. Losing Streak – You get carried away and before you realise you’ve lost half your points. If you can pass an Nv test you can re-roll on this table…. if you dare!

    1. Evens – After playing several games you have as many points as you started with and decide to leave before you lose any money.
    1. Winning streak – You are having a lucky streak and now have 1.5 times as many points as you started. However you luck must end soon but you are carried away and unless you can pass a Wp test re-roll on this table with a –1 modifier. (Treat scores less than 1 the same as 1).

10. Lady luck – Lady luck smiles on you and you manage to double your points! However you must pass a Wp test or roll again on this table with a –2 modifier. (Treat scores less than 1 the same as 1).

23 Side show: Test Of Speed – You spot an amusing side show which tests your speed by seeing if you can complete a series of simple tasks in under 20 ticks. If you wish to take part pay D3 points and take an I test with the following modifiers; +10% if you have Mechadendrites, -10% if you are wearing power armour, -15% if you are trying to appear inconspicuous. If you pass you win D3+1 points.
24 Uneventful
25 Honest days work – you are employed by an old man to carry his luggage and earn D3 points.
26 Followed – You are sure you are being tracked through town pass a Nv test or you bottle it and run away from the settlement.
27 Uneventful
28 Shop lift – The shop keeper is busy with another customer and leaves the till unattended. If would like to rob the till take a Ld test. If you pass you make off with D3 points otherwise you are caught (see doing time).
29 Jewel of the sea – A local nobleman his showing off his latest find, a jewel of amazing beauty. Pass a Wp test or you are entranced by it and try to steal it. If you try and steal it you are arrested. Roll on the doing time table with the following modifier, -1 for every full 10 the test was failed by (Treat rolls of less than 1 as 1).
30 Uneventful
31 Spider hunt – You are asked to take part in a spider hunt. If you do roll a D10. 1= Horrific ordeal. A huge spider attacks the party you are hunting with. You manage to flee but not before taking 2D6 damage on your injury total. 2-3=You suffer –D10 from your WS and BS for the duration of the next game, 4-6= No spiders are to be found you go back frustrated and empty handed, 7= You manage to bring down a tank spider. In gratitude they make you a tank skin suit (armour 4 arms, legs and abdomen, armour 5 on chest and groin) the suit can only be sold for D6 points as it was tailor made for you, 8= You manage to kill a venom spider. You can treat D3 close combat weapons with bloodfire, 9= You kill an old and withered spider worth no points. However upon slitting it open you find a rare weapon of the GM’s choice, 10= You kill a huge albino raft spider. You are now immune to fear and terror and cause fear yourself as the news of your deed spreads before you. You make 2D3 points. If you score this roll again then count it as uneventful. No one will tempt fate twice.
32 Arrested – The local law enforcement agency takes a dislike to you. Roll on the doing time table.
33 Uneventful
34 Nice little earner - You are asked to help with a smuggling operation. If you decide to help roll a D10, 1=Tricked, you are ambushed and take an Str D10 hit. Add this to your injury total, 2-5= Unable to help, 6-9= Earn D3 points, 10= earn D6 points.
35 Snake hunt – You are asked to take part in a snake hunt. If you do roll a D10. 1= You are attacked by a huge snake. Add 2D6 points to your injury total, 2-4= You earn 1 point each for killing D3 snakes, 5-6= No snakes are to be found you go back tired and empty handed, 7-9= You earn 1 point each for killing D3+1 snakes, 10= You kill some huge snakes earning 2 points a snake for killing D3 snakes.
36 Uneventful
37 Too much drink! Pay D3 points for some Alco seltzer or play the next game with a terrible hangover (1/2 I).
38 Riotous Living – You get carried away and spend half your points on food and drink. Your bellyache serves as a lesson to you. If you roll this again this time at the settlement or next, ignore the roll and roll again.
39 Uneventful
40 Spider farm – You are asked to work on a spider farm for D3 points. If you agree roll a D10. 1= You are bitten by a spider and the bite turns septic. Pass a toughness test or start the next game at –D10 strength and toughness, 2= Allergic reaction. You suffer an allergic reaction to the spiders hairs which leaves you dazed and confused. Play the next game at -D10 I, 3-6= Uneventful, 7= You produce enough stun to coat one close combat weapon, 8= You produce enough choke to coat one close combat weapon, 9=You collect enough steel web to produce a batch of tanglefoot grenade, 10= You collect enough sticky web to produce a batch of web grenade. Range=E, Area=2yrds, Weight=12. Entanglement – see rules (web guns).
41 Beggars – Take a Wp test; if you fail you will pay D3+2 beggars a point each.
42 Uneventful
43 Lucky Find – You find a discarded money sack. You open it to find D3+1 points.
44 Unseen horror – You are attacked by an unknown force. Take a toughness test. If you fail you collapse and are taken to the Doc’s. Roll on his treatment table with the following modifier, -1 for every full 10 the test was failed by (Treat rolls of less than 1 as 1).
45 Uneventful
46 Drinking Hole – Roll a D10.

1. Too much drink! You play the next game at –10% from your initiative.

2. Festive Night – You get carried away and spend half your points on booze.

3. Fight – You must take a toughness test. Add D6 to your injury total for every full 10% you failed the test by.

4. Drinking contest – You are challenged to a drinking contest. If you agree roll D100, if it is less than your toughness you win the contest gaining D3+2 points and –10% to your I next game. If it is greater you lose and suffer –10% I for every full 10% you fail by.

5-7.Quiet drink – Nothing of note happens, you just have a nice quiet night.

8. Arm wrestling – Roll a D100 if it is less than or equal to your strength you win the contest and gain D3 points.

9. Fight – You must take a toughness test. Add D6 to your injury total for every full 10% you failed the test by.

10. Nice little earner - You are asked to help with a smuggling operation. If you decide to help roll a D6, 1=Tricked, you are ambushed and take an Str D10 hit. Add this to your injury total, 2-5= Unable to help, 6-9= Earn D3 points, 10= earn D6 points.

47 Honest days work – you are employed by a local businessman to carry his bags and earn D3+1 points.
48 Uneventful
49 Counterfeit – When you try to buy some lunch the trader won’t accept your points because they are counterfeit, on closer inspection you find that D3 of your points are fake and throw them in the gutter in disgust.
50 Fight – You get involved in a street conflict. You and the GM roll a D10. If you roll higher you grab D3 points from your assailant before he runs away. Else they grab D3 points from you before running away.
51 Uneventful
52 Too much drink! Pay D3 points for some Alco seltzer or play the next game with a terrible hangover (1/2 I).
53 Side show: Test Of Strength – You spot an amusing side show which tests your strength by seeing if you can hit a pad hard enough to ring the bell. If you wish to take part pay D3 points and take a Str test with the following modifiers; +15% if wearing power armour or you have a bionic arm, -15% if you are trying to appear inconspicuous. If you pass you win D3+1 points.
54 Uneventful
55 Archeotech – D3 points. If you pass an Sg test roll a D10, otherwise you think it is another bit of junk and toss it in the gutter in disgust. On a D10 roll, 1= Dangerous – You suffer D3 Str D10 hits, resolve the hits as normal, 2= Duelling Pistol, 3= Gas Mask, 4= Medi-pak, 5=Holo-projector- If you activate it during a fight it confuses the enemy and they have an extra –15% to hit, 6= Digi las pistol, 7= Storm Shield, 8= Daemon Servant/ Lesser Daemon Knife with Breathe and Deflection, 9= Needle pistol, 10= Servo Skull.
56 Strikes - For this week only common items cost 4 points, rare items cost 6 points and exotic items cost 10 points.
57 Uneventful
58 Plague – A plague breaks out in the city and you must leave immediately to avoid infection.
59 Over production – For this week only common items cost 2 points, rare items cost 3 points and exotic items cost 7 points.
60 Uneventful
61 Nice little earner - You are asked to help with a smuggling operation. If you decide to help roll a D10, 1=Tricked, you are ambushed and take an Str D10 hit. Add this to your injury total, 2-6= Unable to help, 7-9= Earn D6 points, 10= earn D6+D3 points.
62 Shootout – You get involved in a shootout and expend one full clip of ammo from one of your guns.
63 Uneventful
64 Harvest – You are asked to work on a fungus farm for D3 points. If you agree roll a D10.1= You pick a spore as it comes to spore. Pass a toughness test or start the next game at –D10 strength and toughness, 2-5=Uneventful, 6= You produce one dose of stun, 7= You produce one dose of scare, 8= You produce one dose of bloodfire, 9= You produce one dose of hallucinogen, 10= You produce one dose of choke. (doses can be thrown as grenades or used to coat a weapon).
65 Side show: Test Of Nerve – You spot an amusing side show which tests your nerves by seeing if you can keep your bare hand in a box with a particularly vile creature for 30 ticks. If you wish to take part pay D3 points and take a Nv test with the following modifiers; +15% if you are a mutant or a psyker, -15% if you are trying to appear inconspicuous. If you pass you win D3+1 points.
66 Uneventful
67 Explore – You are asked to help to map a local area for D3 points. If you agree roll a D10. 1= You fall down an abandoned and long forgotten mineshaft. They manage to rescue you. Add 2D3 to your injury total as a result of the fall, 2= Attacked in the dark. Whilst you are busy taking some measurements something creeps from the shadows and strikes you. Add D3 to your injury total, 3-6= Uneventful, 7= You find an interesting piece of junk which you sell for D3 points, 8= You find a piece of jewellery that was lost by a local business women many years ago. In return for finding it she gives you D6 points and help in finding your equipment. Double the chances of finding what you are looking for, 9= You find two common or on rare piece of equipment of the GM’s choice ,10= You are exposed to something of unspeakable horror. You will not talk about what happened but are now immune to fear and terror.
68 Side show: Gambling – You are intrigued by a betting game and decide to try your luck. Roll a D10, 1= Big loss you get carried away and lose 2D3 points, 2-3= You lose D3 points and come away a little wiser, 4-7= Evens you make of lose nothing, 8-9= You make D3 points, 10= Lady luck has smiled on you and you make 2D3 points.
69 Uneventful
70 Riot – There is a riot in town. Roll a D10, 1= You are injured whilst trying to avoid the violence, add 8 points to your injury total, 2= You join in the riot and are arrested, as well as spending a night in jail (roll once on the doing time table) you lose one random piece of non-attached (i.e. Not bionics) equipment/weaponry and you don’t find the equipment you were looking for and you cannot roll any more on this chart this week, 3-4= The riot disrupts trading you cannot roll any more on this table this week, 5-9= The riot is just a faint noise on the other side of town, 10= You join in the riot and gain one rare item for free.
71 Boom time – The chances of finding the equipment you are after has doubled.
72 Uneventful
73 Scavenger – You are asked to help search some old ruins for a statue, anything else you find you may keep. If you wish to take part roll a D10. 1= Unstable walls. Whilst searching the many ruined halls your movements cause a wall to collapse on you. Add 2D6 to your injury total, 2= You find two pieces of common equipment of the GM’s choice, 3-6= Uneventful, 7= You don’t find the statue but instead stumble across an average bionic part of the GM’s choice which you can sell or have calibrated for your use, 8= You don’t find the statue but instead stumble across an average bionic organ of the GM’s choice which you can sell or have calibrated for your use , 9= You don’t find the statue but instead stumble across an advanced bionic sense of the GM’s choice which you can sell or have calibrated for your use, 10= You find the statue which they seek and they pay you 2D3 points as a finders fee.
74 Pickpocket – You lose D3+1 points.
75 Uneventful
76 Illness – You contract an illness and must pay D6 points for a physician to cure you. Also you lose any more rolls on the table.
77 Shop lift – The shop keeper is busy with another customer and leaves the till unattended. If would like to rob the till take a Ld test. If you pass you make off with D3 points otherwise you are caught (see doing time).
78 Uneventful
79 Shortages – There is a shortage of equipment and weapons and its rarity doubles. This effect is cumulative for this week.
80 Side show: Test Of Wit– You spot an amusing side show which tests your mental agility by seeing if you can complete a particularly fiendish puzzle in under 30 ticks. If you wish to take part pay D3 points and take a Sg test with the following modifiers; +15% if you have Mechadendrites or you are a Telekinetic, -15% if you are trying to appear inconspicuous. If you pass you win D3+1 points.
81 Uneventful
82 Robbed – Lose D3 points. Roll a D10, on a 1 or 10 you spot the thief before he makes his getaway and get your points back.
83 Side show: Shooting gallery – You spot a shooting gallery. If you wish to try pay D3 points and take a shot as normal with the water gun (there are both pistols and basic) as normal with the following modifiers; +10% if you are a Telekinetic, -20% small target (takes account of rested weapon bonus), -15% if you are trying to appear inconspicuous. If you pass you win D3+1 points.
84 Uneventful
85 Beggars – Take a Wp test; if you fail you will pay D6 beggars a point each.
86 Riotous Living – You get carried away and spend half your points on food and drink. Your bellyache serves as a lesson to you. If you roll this again this time at the settlement or next, ignore the roll and roll again.
87 Uneventful
88 Mung Vase – D3 Points if you whish to buy it. After next game roll D10, 1= Worthless, 2&3= Fake, but a nice one you get 1 point for it, 4= Common design worth 2 points, 5= Nice art work- worth D3 points, 6= Rare inscription on vase worth D3+1points, 7= The vase is by a famous artist and is worth D3+2 points, 8= You drop the vase and it breaks! Luckily for you in the shattered remains you find a gem worth 2D3 points, 9= Exotic vase worth 7 points, 10= Extremely exotic vase worth 9 points.
89 Side show: Test Of Speed – You spot an amusing side show which tests your speed by seeing if you can complete a series of simple tasks in under 20 ticks. If you wish to take part pay D3 points and take an I test with the following modifiers; +10% if you have Mechadendrites, -10% if you are wearing power armour, -15% if you are trying to appear inconspicuous. If you pass you win D3+1 points.
90 Uneventful
91 Counterfeit – When you try to buy some lunch the trader won’t accept your points because they are counterfeit, on closer inspection you find that D3+2 of your points are fake and throw them in the gutter in disgust.
92 Shortages – There is a shortage of equipment and weapons and its rarity doubles. This effect is cumulative for this week.
93 Uneventful
94 Junk – or is it? You’ve paid D6 points for a nice looking trinket. Roll D100, on a 01-05 it turns out to be a rare weapon. Choose one immediately.
95 Robbed – Lose D6 points. Roll a D10, on a 1, 5 or 10 you spot the thief before he makes his getaway and get your points back.
96 Uneventful
97 Dodgy dealings – You meet a shadowy figure in the bar who says he knows what you want. If you decide to trust him roll a D10, 1=Tricked, you are ambushed and take an Str D10 hit (add this to your injury total) and lose D3 points., 2-5= Unable to help, 6-10= Double your chances of finding what you are looking for this week.
98 Lucky Find – You find a discarded money sack. You open it to find D6 points.
99 Uneventful
100 Roll again D3 times on this table. If you get this again treat it as Uneventful

Doing time – The local law enforcement sees you breaking the law (or they simply take a dislike to you) and locks you in the slammer. Roll D3 times on the table (for every week in jail) to see what happens during your week in jail. Roll a D10.

1-2. Day in court – You are put on trial. Unless you can pass an Sg test and persuade the judge of your innocence, you are locked up for D3+1 weeks. If the Sg score rolled is more than twice your Sg the judge spots your lies and sentences you to 2D3 weeks in jail.

3. Bad porridge – Whilst in jail you are given some really bad food that makes you violently sick. Minus D10 from your strength at the start of the next game as you haven’t fully recovered yet. This effect is cumulative.

4-7. Locked up - You spend your time quietly behind bars, catching up on sleep and swapping tales with the other inmates.

8-9. Flogging – The guards don’t like the look of you and drag you to the yard for a flogging. Minus D10 from your toughness at the start of the next game as you haven’t fully recovered yet. This effect is cumulative. Roll a D100; on a score of 01-05 you gain some impressive scars. Add D10 to your leadership (you can only get this once).

10. Good behaviour – For good behaviour the guards decide to release you early. If you are in for more than a week then halve your time left in jail, rounding to the nearest week. Otherwise you are release immediately (you have spent 2 days in jail for every roll on this table).


Treatment table

D10 Roll. Result
1. Uh-oh! – roll on the Uh-oh table.
2. Ouch that hurts! – The Doc’s treatment involves banging you on the head! Start the next game with light injury on your head.
3. Pardon? – The treatment is painful and pointless and leaves you feeling worse. Play the next game at half strength and toughness
4. What? – The Doc experiments on your eyes. Play the next game at half WS and BS and as if you had crude bionic eyes.
5. Help! – The Doc hypnotises you leaving you open to suggestion. Play the next game at half Nv, Wp and Ld.
6. Dur… - The treatment leaves you feeling out of yourself. Play the next at half Sg and I.
7. Limbs of lead – The treatment causes your limbs to ache and be stiff. Play the next game as if you had a crude bionic leg and crude bionic arms (Str 30).
8. Heave – Play the next game as if you had a crude bionic heart.
9. Yuck – The Doc’s remedy is foul and causes you to throw up. It has left you with diminished awareness play the next game as if you had crude bionic senses.
10. The Doc’s remedy has no effect; it is just a disgusting experience.

If you wish to have implants or bionics fitted you must get hold of them yourself and he will do the operation for 1 point crude/common, 2 points average/rare, 3 points advanced/exotic 4 points highly advanced/legendary, roll a D10 and consult the table below.


Surgery table

D10 Roll. Result
1. Uh-oh – roll on the Uh-oh table.
2. What was it?- The Doc forgets what he was doing and fits a ….instead. Roll a D10
  1. He fits a crude bionic leg (randomly determine which one).
  2. He fits a pair of crude bionic legs.
  3. He fits a crude bionic arm (randomly determine which one).
  4. He fits crude bionic lungs.
  5. He fits a crude bionic heart.
  6. He fits an average bionic leg (randomly determine which one).
  7. He fits a pair of average bionic legs.
  8. He fits an average bionic arm (randomly determine which one).
  9. He fits average bionic lungs.
  10. He fits an average bionic heart.
3-10. Successful Surgery


Uh-oh table

D10 Roll. Result
1. Severe complications – Lose D10% from three randomly determined characteristics permanently.
2. Complications – Lose D10% from a randomly determined characteristic permanently.
3. Complications – Add 2D10 to your injury total
4. The anaesthetic leaves you a gibbering fool. Play the next game as if you have a crude bionic brain.
5-10. Not to bad – The Doc’s messed up your operation he hasn’t fitted your implants or bionics, just cut you open then sewed you up again. Add D6 to your injury total.

Weapon customisation – You can pay to have weapons customised at one of the many workshops across the galaxy. Below is a list of things you can do. Decide what you want done and pay the weaponsmith his fee (1 point common, 2 points rare, 3 points exotic and 5 points legendary). You can get your weapon customised as much as you like as an improvement in one part will cause a detriment else where.

When you have decided what you want done, pay the relevant amount and roll on the table below.

D10 Result
1-2 Job bodged. Roll on bodge table. You are still charged for his services.
3 Can’t get the parts – Nothing done, your points are refunded.
4-10 Good job- refer to appropriate section.

Bodges. In the next game roll on the bodge table to see what has happened to the weapon. Once the weapon has been fielded then you can take it back and get the bodge fixed for free. This doesn’t stop you having something else done at the same time.

Bodge table

D10 Result
1 Don’t ask -nothing happens.
2 Bits left out -shoots once as normal then falls apart.
3 Sights bodged -ranges to hit doubled.
4 Aim bodged –5 to hit.
5 Aim bodged –10 to hit.
6 Trigger stuck –Empty the magazine at the first target you shoot at as if it had full(x) (where x= number of shots the guns holds).
7 Less power –Halve any damage the weapon does.
8 Decrease reload rate by 1.
9 Decrease reload rate by 2
10 Heavier –The gun now weighs 10 more





Mode Single ? Semi(2) ? Semi(2/4) ? Full(6) Note- The number in brackets can’t be more than the number of shots. Full(x) ? Semi(x/4 / x/2) or Semi(2/4) ? Semi (x/2) or Semi(2) ? Single Note- If you get to single and already have it re-roll on the table.



Damage There are three damage classes D3, D6 and D10. Follow the appropriate table.


D6?2D6?2D6+2?2D6+4?3D6?3D6+2? 3D6+4?4D6?etc.

D10?D10+2?D10+4?2D10?2D10+2?2D10+4 3D10?3D10+2?3D10+4?4D10?etc.

There are three damage classes D3, D6 and D10. Follow the appropriate table.


Etc.?4D6? 3D6+4?3D6+2? 3D6?2D6+4? 2D6+2?2D6?D6 Note- this can only go to a minimum of D6. If it’s at D6 re-roll on the table.

Etc.?4D10? 3D10+4?3D10+2?3D10? 2D10+4?2D10+2?2D10?D10+4?D10+2?D10 Note- this can only go to a minimum of D10. If it’s at D10 re-roll on the table.



-D6 Note- this can only go to a minimum of 1. If it’s at 1 re-roll on the table.

Reload x-1 Note- this can only go to a minimum of 1. If it’s at 1 re-roll on the table.

X-1 Note- this can only go to a minimum of 1. If it’s at 1 re-roll on the table.

(x)+1 Note- this can only go to a maximum equal to the no. of shots. If it’s equal re-roll on the table.

X becomes 8

X+1 Note- this can only goes to 8 after that it becomes X. If it’s at X re-roll on the table.

X+1 Note- this can only goes to 8 after that it becomes X. If it’s at X re-roll on the table.

(x)-1. Note- this can only go to a minimum of 1. If it’s at 1 re-roll on the table.

X Note- this can’t get any higher, re-roll on the table.


-5 Note- this can only go to a minimum of 5. If it’s at 5 re-roll on the table.




+5 Note- this can only go to a maximum of 40. If it’s equal re-roll on the table.

-5 Note- this can only go to a minimum of 10. If it’s at 10 re-roll on the table.

Increase rate of fire

Consult the mode better box to see what happens and roll on the following table.

1-2 Consult the accuracy worse box to see what happens.
3-4 Consult the damage worse box to see what happens.
5-6 Consult the shots worse box to see what happens.
7-8 Consult the reload worse box to see what happens.
9-10 Consult the weight worse box to see what happens.

Increase accuracy

Consult the accuracy better box to see what happens and roll on the following table.

1-2 Consult the mode worse box to see what happens.
3-4 Consult the damage worse box to see what happens.
5-6 Consult the shots worse box to see what happens.
7-8 Consult the reload worse box to see what happens.
9-10 Consult the weight worse box to see what happens.

Increase damage

Consult the damage better box to see what happens and roll on the following table.

1-2 Consult the mode worse box to see what happens.
3-4 Consult the accuracy worse box to see what happens.
5-6 Consult the shots worse box to see what happens.
7-8 Consult the reload worse box to see what happens.
9-10 Consult the weight worse box to see what happens.

Increase number of shots

Consult the shots better box to see what happens and roll on the following table.

1-2 Consult the mode worse box to see what happens.
3-4 Consult the accuracy worse box to see what happens.
5-6 Consult the damage worse box to see what happens.
7-8 Consult the reload worse box to see what happens.
9-10 Consult the weight worse box to see what happens.

Decrease reload time

Consult the reload better box to see what happens and roll on the following table.

1-2 Consult the mode worse box to see what happens.
3-4 Consult the accuracy worse box to see what happens.
5-6 Consult the damage worse box to see what happens.
7-8 Consult the shots worse box to see what happens.
9-10 Consult the weight worse box to see what happens.

Decrease weapon weight

Consult the weight better box to see what happens and roll on the following table.

1-2 Consult the mode worse box to see what happens.
3-4 Consult the accuracy worse box to see what happens.
5-6 Consult the damage worse box to see what happens.
7-8 Consult the shots worse box to see what happens.
9-10 Consult the reload worse box to see what happens.

Increase range (flame weapons only)

Consult the range better box to see what happens and roll on the following table.

1-2 Consult the accuracy worse box to see what happens.
3-4 Consult the damage worse box to see what happens.
5-6 Consult the shot worse box to see what happens.
7-8 Consult the reload worse box to see what happens.
9-10 Consult the weight worse box to see what happens.

Improve thrown weapons

Increase rate of fire

Consult the mode better box to see what happens and roll on the following table.

1-2 Consult the accuracy worse box to see what happens.
3-4 Consult the damage worse box to see what happens.
5-6 Consult the weight worse box to see what happens.

Increase accuracy

Consult the accuracy better box to see what happens and roll on the following table.

1-2 Consult the mode worse box to see what happens.
3-4 Consult the damage worse box to see what happens.
5-6 Consult the weight worse box to see what happens.

Increase damage

Consult the damage better box to see what happens and roll on the following table.

1-2 Consult the mode worse box to see what happens.
3-4 Consult the accuracy worse box to see what happens.
5-6 Consult the weight worse box to see what happens.

Decrease weapon weight

Consult the weight better box to see what happens and roll on the following table.

1-2 Consult the mode worse box to see what happens.
3-4 Consult the accuracy worse box to see what happens.
5-6 Consult the damage worse box to see what happens.

 Combine weapons

Combi-weapon, have another weapon grafted onto a ranged weapon. This second weapon only fires one shot per game and adds weight to the gun equal to half the weight of the second weapon. You must bring the two weapons to be grafted and specify which one is the base gun and which is the one shot gun. Roll a D6 on a 1-2 the combining weapons has affected the base weapon (roll on the table below), on a 3-4 it has affected the one shot weapon and on a 5-6 it has had no effect on either weapon (roll on the table below).

1-2 Consult the mode worse box to see what happens.
3-4 Consult the accuracy worse box to see what happens.
5-6 Consult the damage worse box to see what happens.
7-8 Consult the shots worse box to see what happens.
9-10 Consult the reload worse box to see what happens.