Vol. I, Iss. 3 |
9042999.M41 |
On Remas the Space Wolves had to defend one of their training grounds from the Necrons again. The Necrons had set up defensive positions in abandoned bunkers close to the academy in an attempt to gather enough forces to launch a heavy assault that would cripple the Wolves' position on Remas. Kalnar was tipped off, and decided to launch a pre-emptive strike. The Wolves' mighty Whirlwind tank became the first target for the Necron Lord, who was wary of its power after it temporarily smashed flat six of his warriors. With the aid of a dozen Necrons, the Lord was able to blow the Whirlwind's missile launcher from the mighty vehicle. The Wolves were angered, and reacted quickly. The Blood Claws assaulted the Lord and his warriors, holding them up while the Land Raider rumbled forward and dropped off its deadly cargo of a Wolf Priest and Wulfen Guard to assault the Necrons' main bunker. The two champions quickly cut down many of the Necrons, and the Lord, seeing his forces falling to pieces, chose to withdraw.
But on Corinth, things were not going so well. The Tyranids had captured a satellite uplink and it was critical for the Space Wolves to recapture it before it could be converted to a massive Hive Mind node. But the tone of the battle was quickly set by the Wolves' Land Raider having its tracks destroyed quickly, leaving it in a vulnerable position which caused it to be dispatched easily. The Space Wolves fought valiantly, but in the end were struck down by the Tyranids. However, the aliens were left temporarily unable to complete their foul mission of converting the uplink, as the Wolf Priest charged with leading the assault was able to slay both Hive Tyrants in hand to hand combat.
This was not the end of their woes. On Hurst, the Dark Eldar of the Baruth Marg Kabal returned to take their vengeance on the Space Wolves. They launched a lightning raid on a forward outpost, quickly reaching it and setting explosive charges that destroyed the bunker. Luck was not on the side of the Space Wolves, as their vehicles were slowed by a massive snow storm. By the time they reached the outpost, it was already destroyed and the Dark Eldar had escaped. When informed of the events, Kalnar declared that he would smite the Dark Eldar for their foul deeds.
On Menel, the Dark Eldar continued to hold their gains, even though the Necrons tried to regain their position on the world. They were unprepared for the ferocity of Maldroui, however. Before the Lord could get his warriors out of danger, the Dark Eldar Archon assaulted them and managed to lead his retinue in a slaughter of more than 30 warriors! The Lord phased out early in the battle, rather than face the wrath of Maldroui and his Incubi. The field belonged to Baruth Marg, as did the Wasteland the Necrons had grabbed on the planet. The Necrons retreated to a position around an ancient temple to some dark god who has yet to be identified.
On Arn, the Dark Eldar sought to continue their success with a night raid against the Ultramarines of Commander Marsius. The night conditions were too much for them, though, and the Dark Eldar were plagued with vision problems. No such problems for the Ultramarines, who were able to launch devastating volleys of fire at the Dark Eldar. In the end, the heroes for the Dark Eldar were Maldroui and his retinue, who survived the bloody battle, and a lone warrior armed with a blaster from a squad titled OtBahn who'd managed to survive his Raider crashing and the squad he was with being fired upon, even taking a frag missile himself! The Ultramarines pushed the Dark Eldar from the world, gaining possession of the wreckage of an ancient starship that had held something that was important to the Dark Eldar.
Hive Fleet Scylla has been having more run ins with the Necrons. On Polis, the Necrons tried setting up more defenses, and yet again the Tyranids came knocking. Quickly the bunkers were shattered, leaving Necrons milling about in confusion amongst the ruins. The Tyranids took advantage of this, and moved to get into personal combat with the Necrons quickly. The Necrons destroyed all of the smaller Tyranid creatures, but were unable to best the Hive Tyrants, Zoanthropes, and Carnifex, who set upon them ferociously. In the end, the Necrons were forced back once again.
Elsewhere in the sector, on Lomm, Hive Fleet Ashibah arrived. They landed near a newly-created Necron war academy, and launched an assault. The Necrons were not feeling like being humiliated again by the Tyranids, and attacked the Tyranids with renewed vigour. The Tyranids tried in vain to gain the upper hand, but to no avail. They were quickly dispatched by the Necrons, the shattered remnants fleeing back to the hive fleet.
But this was not the end of Hive Fleet Ashibah's visit to Lomm. They launched an attack on another Necron academy, surrounding the Necrons. The Necrons used their Veil of Darkness to remove themselves from the trap and position themselves in an area of the battlefield better suited to fighting the Tyranids. The Tyranids, confused by their prey's sudden movements, decided that it was a good idea to leave the field of battle and return to their hive ships, where the hive mind could come up with a better plan of attack.
Hive Fleet Ashibah seemed to redirect its attacks and find an easier prey. They threw themselves and the weight of their forces at the Ork Fist of Gork warband, assaulting its position around a satellite uplink on Junta. The Tyranids were held back for some time, mostly due to the actions of a single mob that slew many of the bugs before being wiped out by the Genestealers and Hive Tyrant. The Orks lost another Battlewagon to a venom cannon, which in turn managed to kill an Ork with the wreckage. But they managed to fall back to a position whereupon they could build an academy and a factory producing weapons for their hulks with which they could gain supporting fire in a battle.
Beratium deposits have been found on Colm, making the planet a hot commodity. Beratium is a key ingredient in the mix of metals that creates plasteel, the hard material that makes up the bulk of Imperial equipment. The find is likely going to attract new businesses and more citizens for the populace, building up its economic status. Fears are also abundant that the find will attract some of the dark forces marauding through the sector at this moment. In preparation, Governor Kramer has requested forces from the Adeptus Astartes stationed in the area to lend their force to his own planetary defense troops.
The governor of Olinz, Kyle Jerek, has been assassinated. He was reportedly shot by a sniper while making his morning rounds. No clues are evident that would point to the conspirator responsible, but Arbitrators on Olinz have promised swift retribution for this heinous crime. Until a new governor can be chosen, Jerek's chief secretary Kevyn Tyr has taken control of Olinz's governmental functions.
The Cult of the Star Child has been abolished from Polis, according to sources within the planet's Adeptus Arbites. The heretical cult had caused many problems on Polis, included heavy rioting. These problems are now coming to an end, thanks to the hard work and loyal duty of the Arbites.
The notorious Ork Warlord Kaptin Gavrin has been passing through the sector lately, seemingly randomly attacking worlds and taking control of several wrecked Imperial vehicles and weapons caches. His horde has been growing lately, even as his successes increase in number. He has been a particular thorn in the side for Wolf Lord Kalnar, and it is uncertain whether he can be stopped before whatever he is planning comes to fruition.
The Black Templars and Blood Angels stopped by the sector to run a training mission in preparation for the Templars' Crusade against the aliens assaulting the sector. Both commanders found their forces to be in satisfactory order, and Commander Gallagher has announced his intentions to take on the Fists of Gork as his first target.