by Ben Mercer

These are the rules you need to construct your own ork ships in battlefleet gothic. They give correct costs (if you remember to round to the nearest 5 points) for the official ships, whatever the type, including the hulk and rok.


Kroozers and 'uge ships

*fighta-karriers : A hybrid of fighters and assault boats. Move and intercept like fighters, with the capabilities of assault boats as well. Speed 25cm

**torpedo bommerz : A bomber designed to launch anti-ship torpedoes. Move and intercept like bomber. May launch a strength 2 torpedo salvo at any time, the returning to base. Speed 20cm




Space hulks and roks

Speed for a hulk is always 10cm, this can't be changed. Armour for a hulk starts at 4+ all round, and 5+ all round for a rok. All points costs are the same for roks or hulks unless otherwise specified.

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