These are the rules you need to construct your own ork ships in
battlefleet gothic. They give correct costs (if you remember to round to the nearest 5
points) for the official ships, whatever the type, including the hulk and rok.
Kroozers and 'uge ships
- Shields (max = hits/2 (+/- 1)) : 10 points each
- Turrets (max = 2/3 of hits, round up) : 10 points each
- Armour (6+ front, 5+ sides, 4+ rear) : 8 points. +1 sides = +3 points (once only), +1
rear (max twice)
- Hits (Kroozers = max 10, battleships = max 14) : 1 point each
- Speed : 5 points per 5cm (10 hits or less : max 30cm, 11-14 hits : max 25cm)
- Additional D6cm speed on "All Ahead Full" : 10 points (6 or less hits : max
twice, more than 6 hits : max once)
- Additional 45 degrees of turn (6 or less hits only, once only) : 5 points
- Normal gunz (range 30cm) : 1.5 points per firepower point (D6 firepower points costs the
same as 4 points)
- Heavy gunz (range 15cm) : 4.83 points per firepower point (D6 firepower points costs the
same as 4 points)
- Torpedoes (speed 30cm) : 4.25 points per strength point (D6 strength points costs the
same as 4 points)
- Weirdboy battletower (1 only. All round firing in dorsal mount. Counts as lances, range
30cm) : 8.33 points per strength point (D6 strength points costs the same as 4 points)
- Additional 15cm range (normal gunz or weirdboy battletower, max 60cm range) : 10 points
- Fighter bays (fighta-bommerz and assault boats) : 17.5 points per strength point (D6
strength points costs the same as 4 points)
- Upgrade assault boats to fighta-karriers* : +5 points per strength point (D6 strength
points costs the same as 4 points)
- Add torpedo bommerz** : +10 points per strength point (D6 strength points costs the same
as 4 points)
*fighta-karriers : A hybrid of fighters and assault boats. Move and intercept like
fighters, with the capabilities of assault boats as well. Speed 25cm
**torpedo bommerz : A bomber designed to launch anti-ship torpedoes. Move and intercept
like bomber. May launch a strength 2 torpedo salvo at any time, the returning to base.
Speed 20cm
- Speed (max 45cm) : No charge, but keep it reasonable.
- Additional 45 degrees of turn (once only) : No charge
- Shields (max 2) : 5 points each
- Turrets (max 2) : 5 points each
- Armour (6+ front, 4+ sides and rear) : 5 points. +1 sides : 3 points (max twice), +1
rear : 1.5 points (max twice)
- Hits (max 2) : 1 point each
- Normal gunz (range 30cm) : 1.5 points per firepower point (D6 firepower points costs the
same as 4 points)
- Additonal 15cm range for normal gunz (once only) : +10 points
- Heavy gunz (range 15cm) : 4.83 points per firepower point (D6 firepower points costs the
same as 4 points)
- Torpedoes (speed 30cm) : 4.25 points per strength point (D6 strength points costs the
same as 4 points)
Space hulks and roks
Speed for a hulk is always 10cm, this can't be changed. Armour for a hulk starts at 4+
all round, and 5+ all round for a rok. All points costs are the same for roks or hulks
unless otherwise specified.
- Shields (hulks, max 12) : 10 points, (roks, max 2/3 of hits, round up) : 5 points
- Turrets (max 1/2 hits (round down)): 5 points each
- Armour upgrade (max rating 6+) : +1 front or rear = 3 points, +1 both sides = 6 points
- Hits : 1 point each (hulk : 30+, rok : 6-12)
- Normal gunz (range 30cm) : 1.5 points per firepower point (D6 firepower points costs the
same as 4 points)
- Heavy gunz (range 15cm) : 4.83 points per firepower point (D6 firepower points costs the
same as 4 points)
- Lances (2 only, fire arc : all round. Dorsal or ventral mounts only. Base range 30cm) :
8.33 points per strength point (D6 strength points costs the same as 4 points)
- Additional 15cm range (normal gunz or lances, max 60cm) : +10 points
- Torpedoes (speed 30cm) : 4.25 points per strength point (D6 strength points costs the
same as 4 points)
- Maneuvering thrusters (may move every turn) : 90 points
- Weirdboy com-system (may roll normally for leadership) : 80 points
- Fighter bays (fighta-bommerz and assault boats) : 15 points per strength point (D6
strength points costs the same as 4 points)
- Upgrade assault boats to fighta-karriers (see Kroozers) : +5 points per strength point
(D6 strength points costs the same as 4 points)
- Add torpedo bommerz (see Kroozers) : +10 points per strength point (D6 strength points
costs the same as 4 points)
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