+++Battlefleet Gothic+++

Tyranid Ships

by Quinton Woeppel

Leadership: all Tyranid ships have the same leadership value of 9. This represents the hive mind at work. In any movement phase following a turn that the ship loses hits this is lowered to 8 as the ship is in pain and is more difficult to control.

Hits: All hits are actually causing some small amount of damage to the living being that is the ship. See Leadership for details of how this affects the ship.

Speed: Standard

Turns: Standard. All purely Tyranid ships are extremely agile and have a 90° turn radius. Captured ships must use the turn radius of the original ship.

Shields: Standard. Tyranid shields are actually a defensive mechanism of the original creature formed into the ship. They function in all ways similar to standard shields.

Armor: Standard. Tyranid ships are armored only by the chitin like shell of the original creature used to comprise the ship. Only on the very largest of ships, or captured ships composed mostly of inorganic materials are allowed an armor save of over 5+

Turrets: Standard. Though Tyranid weapons are organic in nature, they behave in a similar manner to other weapons.

Armament: Bio-weapons function in much the same way as standard weapons with a few exceptions. Weapon batteries are unaffected, as are Lances. These are produced in a different manner but behave the same. Bio-torpedoes however behave much different. As each bio-torpedo is a living thing it is able to change it’s heading on the way to its target. This allows the bio-torpedo to turn up to 45° once per movement turn. The speed remains the same at 30cm. per turn.

Critical Hits Table:

2d6 roll

Extra Damage




Dorsal Armament Damaged: Dorsal Weapons and Torpedo launchers are damaged. They may not be fired until they are repaired



Starboard Armament Damaged: The weapons on the Starboard side of the ship are damaged. The weapons may not be fired until they are repaired.



Port Armament Damaged: The weapons on the Port side of the ship are damaged. The weapons may not be fired until they are repaired.



Prow Armament Damaged: The weapons on the prow of the ship are damaged. The weapons may not be fired until they are repaired.



Organic Power Core damaged: The ship’s mighty heart has been wounded and the ship reacts to commands poorly from the pain. The ship may make no turns until the damage is repaired.



Fire: The ships caustic blood has caught fire. Roll to regenerate (extinguish) the fire in the repair phase, if the fire is not put out it causes 1 point of additional damage and continues to burn.



Thrusters Damaged: The Ship’s maneuver thrusters and propulsion muscles are damaged and the ship loses 10 cm. of movement until the damage is regenerated.



Bridge Smashed: The ship’s bridge and brain are smashed. The link with the Hive Mind is maintained on a tenuous level at best The ship’s Leadership is reduced by 4. This damage may not be repaired.



Shields Collapse: The Ship’s internal shield generators tire and burn out. The ship’s shield strength is reduced to 0. Tyranid ships may repair this damage but only if Shields Collapse is the only critical hit on the ship. i.e. all other critical hits must be repaired before shields.



Carapace Breach: A huge gash is torn in the ship’s carapace, causing carnage amongst the occupants.



Bulkhead Collapse: Internal bones and cartilage of the ship buckle and snap, whole compartments crumple with a scream of tortured pain. It will be a miracle if the ship survives.

Catastrophic Damage Table:

Tyranid Ships have no internal warp drives relying instead on their organic thrusters and propulsion muscles for movement and therefore must use a different Catastrophic Damage Table.

Damage and effects are identical to the Standard table with the following differences:

2d6 roll





Drifting Hulk: The ship is reduced to a shattered hulk drifting in space. The wreck moves 4d6 cm. forward in each of it’s subsequent movement phases. Place one blast marker in contact with its base after each drift.



Blazing Hulk: The ship’s caustic blood has caught fire and the conflagration is impossible to control, reducing the ship to a blazing wreck. In time the fires will burn out or trigger an explosive destruction. The hulk travels forward 4d6 cm. forward in each of it’s subsequent movement phases. Place a blast marker in contact with the ship’s base and roll again on this chart after it’s move.


½ Dam.

Organic Power Core Breech: The ship’s massive heart, the power core of the ship, is damaged and suffers an overload in an explosion in a blazing inferno. Remove the Ship from the table, leaving behind a number of blast markers equal to half the starting hits of the station. Every other ship within 3d6cm. of the exploding wreck is struck with Firepower equal to the station’s starting hits.

Only Tyranids are allowed to use drifting hulks at a later time. They are able to salvage the remains of other race’s ships and integrate Tyranid bio-technology to make them operable again. They may create a Tyranid ship of equal size from a captured hulk for half Fleet Points cost. i.e. may create a Battleship size Tyranid ship from a Battleship size Eldar or Imperial ship. Treat Eldar/Tyranid ships as purely Tyranid ships as the wraithbone core is used to good effect by the Tyranids to form a meshed technology comparable to Tyranid technology alone. Captured ships cost only half price to build (rounded up.)

Sample ships:

Tyranid Constructs:

Tyranid Typhoon Class Battleship………….. 290 pts.
Hits Speed Turns Shields Armor Turrets
10 25cm 90 degrees 4 6+ 4
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Port Batteries 45cm Firepower 8 Left
Starboard Batteries 45cm Firepower 8 Right
Prow Batteries 60cm Firepower 6 Front
Port Lances 30cm Strength 3 Left
Starboard Lances 30 cm Strength 3 Right
Dorsal Torpedoes Speed 30cm Strength 6 All


Tyranid Hurricane Class Cruiser…………..155 pts.
Hits Speed Turns Shields Armor Turrets
8 25cm 90 degrees 2 5+ 2
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Port Lances 30cm Strength 2 Left
Starboard Lances 30cm Strength 2 Right
Port Batteries 45cm Firepower 6 Left
Starboard Batteries 45cm Firepower 6 Right
Dorsal Torpedoes Speed 30cm Strength 6 Front


Tyranid Tornado Class Destroyer………………110 pts.
Hits Speed Turns Shields Armor Turrets
6 30cm 90 degrees 2 5+front/sides/4+rear 1
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Port Batteries 45cm Firepower 6 Left
Starboard Batteries 45cm Firepower 6 Right


Tyranid Gale Class Scout………………..30 pts.
Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
3 40cm 90 degrees 1 4+ front/sides/3+ rear 1
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Prow Batteries 45cm Firepower 4 Front

Tyranid Captured ships. These are ships captured by the Tyranids and organically modified to suit the Tyranids’ purposes. These may only be bought during the initial purchase or when a hulk has become available.

Tyranid Liche Class Capital Ship..........................385 pts.
This ship is armed with a power ram.
Hits Speed Turns Shields Armor Turrets
12 20cm 45 degrees 5 6+ 4
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Port Weapons 60cm Firepower 8 Left
Starboard Weapons 60cm Firepower 8 Right
Prow Weapons 60cm Firepower 4 Front
Prow Lances 60cm Strength 4 Front
Dorsal Torpedoes Speed 30cm Strength 6 Front


Tyranid Ghast Class Battleship.........................280 pts.
This ship is armed with a power ram.
Hits Speed Turns Shields Armor Turrets
10 25cm 45 degrees 4 6+ 3
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Port Weapons 45cm Firepower 6 Left
Starboard Weapons 45cm Firepower 6 Right
Prow Weapons 45cm Firepower 2 Front
Dorsal Torpedoes Speed 30cm Strength 6 Front


Tyranid Ghoul Class Cruiser.........................150 pts.
Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
8 25cm 90 degrees 2 5+ 2
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Port Batteries 30cm Firepower 6 Left
Starboard Batteries 30cm Firepower 6 Right
Dorsal Torpedoes Speed 30cm Strength 4 Front


Tyranid Cannibal Class Destroyer..........................75 pts.
Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
4 35cm 90 degrees 1 5+front/sides/4+rear 1
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Port Batteries 30cm Firepower 4 Left
Starboard Weapons 30cm Firepower 4 Right
Dorsal Torpedoes Speed 30cm Strength 2 Front

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