"Scramble!" (Defend a friendly ship from ordnance, one turn, half to full, full effect weapons, enemy turn)
Use during the enemy turn. When your ship (or a ship within fighter range ,i.e. 30cm) is attacked by ordnance, if you have loaded launch bays, you can use this order. Roll 4+ and consult the following table (before the ordnance rolls to hit, of course):
1-2: Your fighters do not launch in time to affect the incoming enemy. At the beginning of your next weapons-fire phase, you must launch fighters from each functioning launch bay.
3-5: Your fighters launch to defend the ship. Every functioning launch bay launches its fighers; these fighters are not placed on the board, as they immediately attack the enemy ordnance. Every fighter squadron launched removes one counter of incoming ordnance.
6: Your fighers launch to defend the ship; in addition, they surprise your opponent's ships. As 3-5, but you may remove an additional counter after all the fighter squadrons have made their attacks.
When using "Scramble!", the ship protected by the fighters may not fire defensively with turrets (they would destroy your own fighters as well.) This _does_ mean that enemy bombers don't have any minuses to their attack rolls. "Scramble!", like "Brace for Impact!", counts as a special order for the next turn (though for the _launching_ ship, not the _attacked_ ship, which can still "Brace" if it wants.)
"Torpedo Run" (+1 to hit with torps this turn, no turns, half to full, full effect weapons)
You stabilize the course of your ship, giving your torpedoes a speed boost and better guidance. Add +1 to the to-hit rolls of any torpedoes launched this turn. If the torpedoes don't hit anything this turn, they lose the bonus.