Eldar Tactics

by Jonathan Daniels

I just tried a tactic during the game today, that worked pretty well. I flew a Shadow cruiser in close to a Gothic class. My hemlocks/Nightshade squadron raked fire into the ship, crippling it. Then during the 2nd movement, I moved to directly behind the cruiser, but in base to base. I was also 10cm from an escort (Sword). I boarded the cruiser, and teleported onto the Frigate. Through dice, I barely tied the boarding (-1) but destroyed both ships. Two criticals: one escort dead, one hull breach. This got me thinking: What if you (Shadow) hammered the foes with gunfire, fired the torpedoes, then moved to teleport against the ship? Very few ships should be able to take that kind of damage. It would be worth plastering a battleship for the risk of losing a cruiser.

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