Space Marine Fortress Monastery


Thomas Setzer



Several Chapters, most notably the Dark Angels and the Fire Hawks, operate from mobile space fortresses. These gigantic craft contain sufficient accommodation, workshops, training areas and dock facilities for the entire Chapter and operate as a mobile base for Chapter operations. While their defensive/offensive capabilities are comparable to a Ramilies class star fort, they are not only mobile but also warp-capable. The warp drives are enormous, far exceeding those of the Emperor class battleships. However the loss of the Fire Hawk’s fortress Raptorus Rex during a standard jump from Piraeus to Crow’s World in 963 may indicate that these craft are dangerously unstable. Allegedly no Chapter possesses more than a single fortress and estimates place between two and five of these behemoths operating in the entire Segmentum, and at most one in the Gothic Sector.

(from Codex: Space Marines, pg. 44, copyright 1999 Games Workshop Ltd.)

Defense/20 10cm 45d* 6 6+ 6
Dorsal Weapons Batteries 60cm 16 All round
Ventral Weapons Batteries 60cm 16 All round
Launch Bays Thunderhawk: 20cm 6 squadrons -
Dorsal Bombardment Cannon 30cm 8 All round
Ventral Bombardment Cannon 30cm 8 All round
Torpedoes 30cm 12 All round


  • *May turn only at the end of its move.
  • A fortress monastery is heavy to maneuver and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders.
  • A fortress monastery uses all of the Space Marine special rules, including the rules for battle barges in Planetary Assaults and Exterminatus.
  • A fortress monastery doubles its boarding value when defending, but not when attacking.
  • Critical Hits Table:
    Count results of Dorsal Armament Damaged as Dorsal Bombardment Cannons Damaged (may not fire until repaired).
    Count results of Starboard Armament Damaged as Dosal Weapons Batteries Damaged (may not fire until repaired).
    Count results of Port Armament Damaged as Ventral Weapons Batteries Damaged (may not fire until repaired).
    Count results of Prow Armament Damaged as Ventral Bombardment Cannons Damaged (may not fire until repaired).



Ender Boulais



Several Chapters, most notably the Dark Angels and the Fire Hawks, operate from mobile space fortresses. These gigantic craft contain sufficient accommodation, workshops, training areas and dock facilities for the entire Chapter and operate as a mobile base for Chapter operations. While their defensive/offensive capabilities are comparable to a Ramilies class star fort, they are not only mobile but also warp-capable. The warp drives are enormous, far exceeding those of the Emperor class battleships. However the loss of the Fire Hawk’s fortress Raptorus Rex during a standard jump from Piraeus to Crow’s World in 963 may indicate that these craft are dangerously unstable. Allegedly no Chapter possesses more than a single fortress and estimates place between two and five of these behemoths operating in the entire Segmentum, and at most one in the Gothic Sector.

(from Codex: Space Marines, pg. 44, copyright 1999 Games Workshop Ltd.)

Defense/30 10cm 45d 6 6+ 6
Weapons Batteries 60cm 20 All round
Weapons Batteries 60cm 20 All round
Weapons Batteries 60cm 20 All round
Bombardment Cannon 45cm 20 Left/Front/Right
Launch Bays Thunderhawk: 20cm 8 squadrons -
Torpedoes 30cm 16 Front


  • Because of their immense size and slow speed, Fortress Monestaries operate using most of the rules for planetary defenses. They are targeted using the Defences column on the gunnery table, they may only use Reload Ordnance special orders, although they are considered to be Leadership 10 instead of 7, and use their 10 Leadership value for all other Leadership tests. And when D6 blast markers are removed for planetary defences, they may be chosen from those in contact with a Fortress Monestary. Also, Fortress Monestaries don't drift and critical hits on the Fortress Monestary are rolled on the critical hits table for planetary defenses. However, a few changes to certain rolls must be applied.

    -A Lances Damaged roll means the Bombardment cannons are damaged and can't fire until repaired.
    -A Main Armament Damaged means that all three Weapons batteries are damaged and cannot fire until repaied.
    -An Ordnace Bays Hit means that both the lauch bays and the torpedoes are damaged and none of these may be fired until they are repaired.
    -An Orbit Lost means that the massive engines have been damaged and the Fortress Monestary must reduce it's speed by 5cm until they are repaired.
    -The rest of the critical hits function normally.
  • Also, note that Fortress Monestaries are not payed for out of the Planetary Defences allowances. They are purchaced like ships. You may only have one Fortress Monestary in your fleet.
  • Fortress Monestaries are extremly slow to turn and may only turn after moving 20cm. Because this exceeds it's movement it will have to move for multiple game turns before being able to make it's turn.
  • Fortress Monestaries are also Space Marines. As such, they use the Space Marine rules for Boarding actions and hit and run attacks. In a Planetary Assault scenario, Fortress Monestaries earn 3 Assault points for every turn they spend landing troops or bombarding the planet. In an Exterminatus scenario, a Fortress Monestary can be used as an Exterminator, unchanged from it's normal profile. In addition, once a Fortress Monestary is in position to exterminate the planet, you need to roll a 3+ to do so rather than a 4+.
  • Fortress Monestary launch bays carry Thunderhawk Gunships, and are armed with ordinary torpedoes and boarding torpedoes.

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