Chaos (Slaanesh) Repugnant Class Light Cruiser

by Mike Woodbeck



Unlike most Chaos types, the Repugnant class light cruiser is not based upon ancient Imperial designs. In fact, the details of her origin, design, and construction, remain a complete mystery, although the Repugnant's similarities to various Eldar ship types seems more than coincidental. The Repugnant class exudes an overwhelming horrible beauty, a malignant elegance, and it's mere presence can be disturbing beyond comprehension. It is unknown what materials are used in her construction, although she does appear to utilize fairly conventional power, drive, and weapons systems. The Repugnant class light cruiser is armed with a powerful forward firing lance array, as well the terrible 'Tormenter' claws, which snap and grab at ships that wander too close. It is also not known whether the Repugnant class has a mortal crew, as the only communications ever received have been a constant cacophony of incoherent screams, babbling, and noise transmitted on all regular com channels.

What is known about the Repugnant class light cruiser is that it's very presence seems to infuriate Eldar to the point of madness. Eldar captains have been known to place their ships at great risk, even ignoring greater threats, if the opportunity to attack a Repugnant class presents itself.

Type/ Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/ 6 30cm 90° 1 5+ 1


Range/ Speed Firepower/ Strength Fire Arc
Dorsal Lances 30cm 4 Front

Special Rules:

Tormenter Claws - Each as large as an Imperial destroyer, the two gigantic claws that protrude from the belly of the Repugnant snap, and grapple maliciously if an enemy ship should wander close, or if the Repugnant should set a ramming course. When a Repugnant class light cruiser rams another ship, the Repugnant rolls +1 extra dice to damage the enemy ship.

Infuriator - The connection that Eldar have to the Repugnant class cruiser is not known, but it seems obvious that they are driven to near-madness by it's mere presence. Eldar ships receive a -2 to their leadership when testing to fire upon a ship which is not the closest, if the Repugnant class light cruiser is the closer ship.

Babbling Cacophony - The only communications ever recorded emanating from a Repugnant class light cruiser is a constant stream of garbled babbling, screams, and painful moans. It is not even known for sure if the Repugnant carries a mortal crew. Therefore, a Repugnant class light cruiser may never carry a Warmaster, or Chaos lord.

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