During the retaking of the Leyte system the Imperial Navy was split between two fleets. One under Solar Admiral "Bull" Hallesley was there with instructions to destroy any Chaos vessels that put in an appearance. The other was under Admiral McAnarthur and was there to support the troop landings with air support and bombardment.
On the 3rd day of the battle Admiral Hallesley engaged a Chaos fleet at long range withhis fighters and bombers. Lacking any carriers of their own, the Chaos fleet was badly mauled though they were armed with greater than usual numbers of turrets so they did take a fair number of their attackers down. The lack of carriers among the Chaos fleet worried the Admiral but he was relieved when a second Chaos fleet that included the missing vessels was spotted on the outskirts of the system and ordered his entire fleet to engage. After all the shattered remains of the Chaos fleet he had just engaged was a threat to no one...
'Admiral McAnarthur arrived on the bridge for the first shift of the
day. The athmosphere was relaxed as the crew prepared to launch the first waves of bombers
for their ground attack missions. Suddenly an Ensign looked up from his station and yelled "Contact! Several Chaos Cruisers have appeared over the planets horizon!" Captain Veraimes turned on the General Address system and smiled. "Now hear this. All hands not on duty may report to the viewing areas to watch the fleeing remains of the Chaos fleet..." That was when the first ranging shots exploded nearby.' |
Set up the planet at one end of the table with the Imperial fleet in orbit. The closest imperial ship should be at least 40cm from the nearest short table edge.
The Chaos Fleet gets the first turn and deploys on the table edge. (This counts as their movement for the turn and they cannot move further or go onto special orders for this turn. They may fire as normal)
The Imperial Carriers have their decks loaded down with bombers loaded for ground attack missions. This means the weapons they carry are less effective in a Naval engagement. To represent this each carrier can only launch half the usual number of bombers for their first three turns. After that the Ordinance crews will have had a chance to load proper anti ship weapons onto the craft and the full amount may be launched.
Chaos may not purchase any ships with fighter or bomber capacity. Any Chaos vessel may purchase one extra turret for a cost of 10 points.
Imperial Navy must spend at least half their points on ships with launch bays and must spend the rest on Escort class vessels.
The Imperial Navy must travel down the board, from orbit around the planet out to the far short table edge, and off the board. Count up the points of vessels with launch bays which escape and compae it to the points cost of vessels destroyed or left crippled on the board. If more points escape than are destroyed the Imperials win. Otherwise it is a Chaos victory. (Note than any crippled carrier which escapes will only give the Imperial player half points)
Captain Evans, leading the Carrier fleets escorts turned on the enemy and launched a suicidal attack on the Chaos forces. Quoting an ancient commander from long ago when the navy still prowlded the oceans he declared "We'll not go down with our fish onboard!" and indeed he fired every torpedo in his arsenal before his Cobra was destroyed. His ship was so badly damaged that the last that was seen of him he was standing in the rear observation dome and yelling instructions through open hatches down to the engine room where the Engineers were steering by hand, the bridge having been destroyed. Though several of the Dictators were badly damaged they all managed to make it out of the system intact.
For many years the debate raged about Admiral Hallesleys actions, many saying that such incompetance warranted serious action from the High Lords. In the end however their partial victory benefitted the Chaos forces little and the world fell soon after, the last of the Chaos fleet broken hulks in orbit...
This scenario is not necessarily evenly balanced it being quite difficult for the imperials to get their ships out in one piece. What can I say? War's Hell...