If you have any questions for Andy Chambers, you can e-mail them to me or join the BFG List and ask him directly on the list.
Also, on page 123 of the BFG rulebook the little grey box for the Plagueclaw and Despicable Ecstasy says they can be armed with firepower 4 and strength 2, 45 cm lances on their gun decks, for no extra points.
Is the firepower 4 a weapon battery with a port and starboard broadside? Is it the same for the lances as well?
A: Yes, both sides.
Do these weapons replace the armament that is normally found on a Murder Class cruiser or are they an addition to the existing weapons (meaning tons more shots)?
A: No it isn't in addition to their firepower of 10 (get real!), it replaces it.
If my Retribution Class Battleship (Fulminata) rams a Blackstone Fortress does my opponent roll the 16d6 for damage against my ship or 8d6 (1/2 the starting damage)? In true GW fashion we rolled a d6 and abided by the results but since fortresses and stations have no front...
A: Hi Lonnie, we reckon ramming defences should be discouraged so defences should roll their full damage dice against would-be rammers (16D6 ouch!).
I have a few questions about Gothic, btw I love it! :)
Several questions about the Mark of Khorne. First, what exactly does it double? Is it just the ship's remaining hits, or is the D6 roll and modifiers counted as part of the 'boarding value'?
A: Just the ship's remaining hits
Does the Mark of Khorne apply to boarding torps or assault boats?
A: No, as they do hit and run raids
Can a ship with the Mark of Nurgle board another ship?
A: Yes
What would happen if they tied, would it be assumed that fighting is just done on the enemy ship?
A: As the Nurgle boyz (presumably) intiated the action the Mark special rules would have no further bearing on the boarding action - either side could incur losses or suffer criticals.
Does a Chaos Lord with a Mark of Khorne get +1 to critical hit rolls?
A: No, just the warmaster
Does the Mark of Nurgle stop assault boats and prevent other hit and run attacks?
A: Nope
The marks of Slaanesh, Tzeentch, and Nurgle are identical for Warmasters and Chaos Lords. Yet the chaos lord version of the mark of Khorne is (for no reduction in cost) only half as effective as the warmaster version. Is this a typo or were khornate lords deliberately singled out to be screwed over?
A: No, they were deliberately singled out to be 'screwed over'. We couldn't really see Khornate warmasters making brilliant fleet admirals ("the sun is exploding sir, what should we do?" "Khorne damn your eyes, Ramming speed!")
On the subject of marks, an idea for the missing mark of Chaos Undivided is +1 leadership.
A: Possible, though it's rather good and would probably just mean that all Styx class carriers ended up being taken as Chaos undivided. If you want to use this as a house rule remember it should cost lots of points.
An interesting idea I heard for an addition to the Chaos fleet that I would like to see is daemonically possessed ships.
A: Interesting, although who's to say the Chaos ships aren't daemonically possessed already?
Hopefully I did not overlook the answer, but I could not find it in the book.
The Set-up: A Chaos player in a campaign, make an appeal for "other" and is successful in his roll. Now he rolls in the on the Forces of Chaos table and gets a 9 and is able to add boarding torpedoes and/or Deathclaw assault boats to a ship in his fleet.
The Question: What strength are the Torpedoes/Assault Boats?
A: Hi Hal, this is actually a mistook, a hangover from when the Chaos fleet didn't get assault boats as standard. Treat it as result 5 instead.