Pirate Fleet List

Ver. 1.1

By K.A. Brown

This list represents a human pirate coalition, as referred to in the Gothic War history. In addition to being dominated by imperial escort ships it has limited access to escorts of the chaos, eldar, and ork fleets, as well as a couple imperial cruisers.

For specific rules on the ships listed below see the appropriate fleet list in the lists section of the Gothic rulebook.

Fleet Commander

You may include 1 Pirate fleet commander in your fleet, who must be assigned to a pirate ship (may not be an eldar, chaos, or ork ship) and improves its leadership to the value shown. If the fleet is over 750 points a Pirate fleet commander must be included to lead it.

Pirate Lord (Ld. 8)...50 pts.
Pirate Prince (Ld. 9)...100 pts
Pirate King (Ld 10)...150 pts.

Pirates get one Fleet Commander re-roll included in their cost above. If you want more you'll have to pay for them.

One extra re-roll...25 pts.
Two extra re-rolls...75 pts.
Three extra re-rolls...150 pts.


Capitol Ships

0-3 Cruisers (Imperial)

You may include up to 1 cruiser per 6 escorts (any race) in your fleet. You may have no more than one of each type of cruiser listed below (up to 3 total). You may not have 3 Dictator class cruisers for example.

Dictator Class cruiser...220 pts.
Dominator class cruiser...190 pts.
Tyrant class cruiser...185 pts.
Lunar Class Cruiser...180 pts.
Gothic class cruiser...180 pts.
Dauntless class light cruiser...110 pts.


Human Escorts (Imperial)

You may include any number of human escorts in your fleet.

Firestorm class frigate...40 pts.
Sword class frigate...35 pts.
Cobra class destroyer...30 pts.


Alien Escorts*

You may include upto 1 alien escort for every human (Imperial) ship in your fleet.

Eldar Escorts

Hellebore class frigate...75 pts.
Aconite class frigate...65 pts.
Hemlock class destroyer...40 pts.
Nightshade class destroyer...40 pts.

Chaos Escorts

Idolator class raider...45 pts.
Infidel class raider...40 pts.
Iconoclast class destroyer...30 pts.

Ork Escorts

Onslaught attack ship...45pts.
Ravager attack ship...40 pts.
Savage gunship...35 pts.
Brute ramship...25 pts.



Note that of all the ships available to the Pirate fleet only one ship has launch bays, the Dictator class cruiser. This ship is equiped with Furies and starhawks as normal. Eldar ships with torpedo tubes are armed with eldar torpedoes. Ork ships with torpedo tubes are armed with ork torpedoes. Chaos and Imperial ships with torpedo tubes are armed with both normal and boarding torpedoes.

*Note: All special rules regarding eldar and ork ships still apply in full. See the appropriate rules in the BFG rulebook. For example, Eldar ships still gain a +1 to their Leadership scores, and orks still suffer a -1 to theirs.


Special Rules


The Pirate fleet is treated exactly like ork and eldar fleets in campaigns, they do not capture systems and operate out of a secret pirate base (see page 151, BFG rulebook) for example.

Pirate fleets use the Pirate Promotion Table below.

Renown Title Ld. Notes
1-5 Captain 8 1 re-roll
6-10 Lord 8 2 re-rolls
11-20 Overlord 9 2 re-rolls
21-30 Prince 9 3 re-rolls
31-50 Tyrant 10 3 re-rolls
51+ King 10 4 re-rolls

Pirates are allowed Refits and Reinforcement appeals, just like ork and eldar fleets, but no other appeals. Note that although the pirate fleet may have chaos ships they may not make appeals for Forces of Chaos.

Reinforcment appeals are handled slightly different than normal. In order to gain a capitol ship the player must first roll a 6 on a D6 (5+ if the fleet has only 1 cruiser currantly), otherwise a squadron of up to 6 escorts is the only reinforcment availible. Of these escort ships up to 2 ships may be from another race (ork, eldar, or chaos), all the others are human (i.e. imperial) escorts.

If a new cruiser is gained it must be of a type not currantly represented in the fleet. If by some odd twist of fate the pirate fleet has one of each type of cruiser (listed above) than they may duplicate a cruiser type. However, in this case no cruiser may be duplicated a third time until there are two of each type already present in the fleet, and so on.

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