40K/BFG Campaign

by Paul Scoffone

Got a (what I think) is a pretty good idea for a detailed campaign interlocking BFG and 40k

Here it is:

First I took a paper and gridded it out into 7 blocks vertically and 7 blocks horizontally.
In each of these blocks I put between 2 and 6 dots spaced out

I then drew lines conneccting the dots between some sectors (mostly not) these lines represent "Warp passages" in which a ship may cross. The lines between sectors represent the vastness and emptiness of space. Ships can only move "normally" between sectors using these passages (i will add rules for not so normal movement). Each commander starts out with 20,000 pts divided anyway he chooses between BFG and 40k. Each commander is then given a system (1 'dot' in each sector) In each sector is:

(please keep in mind this is for Imperial players only, all the other races are completly different and will explain a bit later)

Each Planet has the following profile


Hive World

Special Rules:
1. If more than 100 popualtion units are built up in any hive world, lose D6x10 pop. pts until "1" is rolled each turn 2. Discovered planets only suitible to be hive worlds on d6 roll of 4,5,6


Agri World

Special Rules:
Planets are only suitable on D6roll of 6


Civilised Worlds

Special Rules:
1. Only 1 civ. world per sector
2. planets suitible on D6 roll of 5,6
3. Includes "Academy", for crew and troop training and upgrades (reinforcements)


Forge World

Special Rules:
1. Planets suitable on d6 roll of 2,3,4,5,6
2. All ships must be repaired at forge world
3. all new ships built at forge worlds


Mining World

Special Rules:
1. Planets suitible on d6 roll of 1


Supporting Planets

All planets must be able to support the total number of troops you have (example: the planets above will only support 10,000 pts in troops because thats the lowest max)


Unit Creation.

BFG "Forge World Ship Yard"

40k Creation:

All Space marines armies must be brought in by transports to forge worlds where they are brought back from stasis. (reinforcements and replacements only)

IG and Sisters of Battle are immediaetly availible (Vehicles at forge, troops at Civ. or Hive world)


An important concept to rember is that convoys of transports are being brought in to Imp players at all times from random board edge sectors. These can be intercepted or destoyed by Other races who then can convert the points. These convoys must be escorted by Imperial fleet, convoy arrives when fleet arrives at set destination, they then make their way back to friendly space. Chaos and Eldar will be able to learn of these convoys through treachery (Chaos) or Future telling (Guess), orks must lie in wait and hope to stumble upon. My Ideas for Chaos is that they will be sort of similar to Imperial but will have some major differences. ie they will have to have "DemonWorlds" each devoted to a chaos god, this will enable Chaos to have up to x amount of pts for that mark (ships with mark or troops with that mark) they will also have "slave worlds" instead of the forge, mining and agriworlds of the more orginzed Imperium. Also chaos can invade planets and take them over (converting a conquered Imp. for 1/2 price of creating a Chaos style planet) Also they can Pirate, stealing resouces from Imp. with Raids, salvaging after battles, intercepting convoys. They can also raid other chaos players for resouces. Im also toying with the idea of allowing troops with a mark to appear on any Demon World with that mark, no matter who it belongs to!!!  Eldar will be very different.

First as they live in either the Craft worlds or That city in the webway, they are not interested in territory. But they are interested in plundering the imperium or chaos for the resources they have built. They will be able to Pirate much the same way as Chaos. Eldar will also be able to ignore the Warp passages and move into any sector touching the one they are in (even diagonal) I havent figured out craft worlds yet, will just assume they are to well hidden and defended to worry about. I will also have the eldar start with fewer points, but have nothing to defend. They will only be able to build new units with pirated resouces, (except Pop. pts). Also they will be assigned to protect certain planets from anyone (Imp. Chaos, Orks) from settling there and finding either an artifact or stooping a chain of events, unseeable by us Humans. They are to prevent settling on these planets (usally VERY desirable systems) and drive off anyone who tries. Also I will allow Dark Eldar to conduct small raids on planets to get resouces (they can plunder pop. pts :-))

Orks will only have one type of planet, an ork planet this will produce everything they need to thrive (not much) They will be able to produce VAST amounts of troops easily and quickly, ships however will be a problem and they will have to rely on Pirating as well. They start with More points than any other race (30,000?) but move not only painfully slowly, but maddeningly randomly. (2 turns per sector, 4 turns to cross lines, on a 4,5,or 6 when they use Warp Passages they wind up in a random sector (er we go er we go er we go, where I dont know). I will also give imperial and chaos players the chance to make BIG jumps (going 1 square, ignoring warp lines, per d6 rolled, if more than leadership is failed, whole fleet is lost (as well as any troops inside) This is a lot to write, I have more Ideas but tell me what you think so far.


On Planetary Assaults:

You will notice when you look at planet profiles some of them require a certain point value of troops to be stationed there. This is a minimum value and certainly can be exceeded.

When a force is assaulting a planet, it has to first be the only fleet in the sector. Then it has to take out any planetary defences (some planets have a minimum also) it may then land a large a force that it has broght with it, (already drawn up) For every 500 pts 1 transport is needed. You can keep this convoy out of the sector hidden until the battle for the neighboring sector is over, but if a enemy move into the sector your are hiding, he sees you automatically if you have a escort, and on a 4,5,or 6 if you dont and are hiding.

Okay assume all these hurdles have been cleared, you move your forces into the sector you may then land them on any planet. Whatever point value the player has stationed on the planet, he then multiplies by 10 and that is his defenders point value of army, the attacker gets what he brought.

The defending player gets to pick the first Scenario if he rolls greater on D6 roll:

The attacker gets to choose if his roll is greater

Both sides start out on the table with a equal # of pts.  (For example if defender only has 1000 pts to defend with, attacker starts out battle with 1000 pts)

But everything not taken is in Reserve.

Who ever wins, controls the planet.

Note: This can also be played as a mini campaign, just remove the reserves rule and play all evenly matched battles, winner choosing next scenario, until he gets opponent in End Scenario (Breakthough). Player with smaller force chooses the point value of the Battles. This is to represent a smaller force conducting Guerrilla Warfare.

However, the larger force will always have a #s advantage. This is represented by always taking the same amount % diference additional to your army (ie A defender has 1000 pts in availible forces, the attacker has 2000, so if the defender wants a 500 pt Battle, you can bring 1000)

Chaos may covert planets they conquor at 1/2 original cost (ie a chaos force assaults and conquers a hive world, Chaos player uses 1/2 original cost of planet 50 pop. pts, 25 tech units, 25 mining units to create anything it wants.)

A Imperial player cannot take over a planet owned by Chaos or Orks. They must first conquer it then purge it of heresy or abomination before any colonization can take place. A purge can be done by any race by means of Orbital Bombardment. Take the original contruction value of a planet (hive world 100 pop units+50 tech units+50 mining units= 200 planet points)

A race then starts bombing inflicting d6x10 pts of damage a turn per capital ship.

This is sometimes done out of spite, because a rrace cannot invade and merely wants to pound or punish a player.

Damaged planets must rebuild any lost points before it can produce anything. You may not Orbitally bombard a Planet with troops on it (I will not allow such Cowardice, if there is a fight to be had, have at it) You can Bombard if there are ememy ships in sector (a little piss in your coffee before a hasty retreat)

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