Orbital Station Conversion

by Eric and Krass

Anyway, my main idea hinges on the latest issue (#12) of Inferno. In the strip "Obvious Tactics," we are shown an orbital bombardment platform, though I have seen a picture of one elsewhere, I don't remember where... Well, for those of you who haven't seen it, it is a pentagon-shaped base, with launch ramps extending from each side, topped by a massive gothic cathedral. Now my question is, can anyone think of anything that could be used to make a gothic cathedral, short of scratch building one or ripping up an Emperor-class titan (not that I have one anyway.) I think that a model such as this would make a pretty cool center-piece if nothing else...

Thanks for any input.



Ah, the Hexathedrals.

I've been thinking along these lines as well. The latest edition of Troll (with WD 234 in the UK) shows some metal bits and pieces for 40K buildings. There are 2 'column tops' shown which are very similar to the Imperator turrets. These could be used atop a suitable platform. The previous Troll showed a number of conversions for defence platforms, torpedo platforms and space stations using Epic pieces as well. The Chaos one used a Tower of Skulls as the main upperpart and a large cannon underneath, either a Basilisk or a Squat Goliath. Lots of the Chaos ram/scythe fronts from the Khorne Daemon engines around the edges. Plenty of skulls for that Imperial/Chaos, I can't tell the difference sort of feel. Some of the ships mentioned in earlier Obvious Tactics episodes would be good as well, if you saw the Inferno which did the feature on the transports and the IG dropships ? Very similar idea to an LSD (Landing Ship Dock), not the obvious reference :-o amphibious assault craft transport. UK Fearless / Intrepid class. US Tarawa class without the flightdeck.


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