Oppressor Class Carrier

by Mark

Oppressor Class Carrier

250 pts

During the drive to convert damaged Lunars into Dictators, a damaged Gothic cruiser was recovered, since it had 2 lance decks, both were replaced with fighter bays and the Oppressor cruiser was born.

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/8 20cm 45o 2 6+ front/5+ 3
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Port Weapon Battery 30cm 6 Left
Starboard Weapon Battery 30cm 6 Right
Port Launch Bay Fighters: 30cm
Bombers: 20cm
4 squadrons -
Starboard Launch Bay Fighters: 30cm
Bombers: 20cm
4 squadrons -
Prow Torpedoes 30cm 6 Front


  • An Opressor may replace its prow torpedoes with a prow-mounted nova cannon for +20 points.


Designer's Notes

Very powerful until it runs out of reloads at which point it had better disengage quick, or else.

Cost was worked out as follows

Therefore cost to replace 2 Lance batteries a side is 40-10 = 30points
Dictator (220) + 30 = 250 points

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