New Weapons

by Jonathan Daniels

Shelwe torpedoes: (Eldar/Dark Eldar)

As normal Eldar torps, but at beginning of ordnance phase may be removed from board. The torpedoes detonate, firing a pulsar lance bolt equal to the strength of the salvo. All normal pulsar lance rules apply. (Range: 30cm move, 30cm range) +5 points per salvo strength, not allowed on Phoenix Torpedo Bombers.

Phase Torpedoes (Eldar/Dark Eldar)

As per normal Eldar torps, but are one-time use. Upon impact, the torpedo opens a warp rift centered on the target. I use a warp rift template the size of a nova cannon plate. The ship takes D3 hits, all ships within the template take 1 hit, and all ships must take a Leadership check on 3D6. If they fail, the ship dissapears into the warp as per warp rift rules. If they pass, roll scatter die and move the ships 2d6 x 10cm in the direction of the scatter die.

A ship carrying Phase torpedoes that takes a torpedo wpn critical hit, immediately suffers from a warp rift opening on the ship, as per the above rules.

The rift created by phase torpedoes lasts D3 turns. +15 points for upgrade, capital ships only. range 30cm, no turns

Quantum Torpedoes

This fires artificial singularities instead of regular torpedoes. They travel at 45cm, can not turn, and must roll a 4+ each ordnance phase or be removed. Quantum torpedoes do two points damage each hit. May be used by any fleet.

D-Cannon (AKA Wraithcannon)

Range 60cm/45cm (capital/escorts)
Strength 3 max (capital)

As per lance, may be traded in a 2-for-1 deal (Str 2 pulsars for 1 wraithcannon). Each one fires D3 shots, on a 6 to hit roll penetrates shields. May not fire if ship is crippled.

Scalar Flux Cannon (Dark Eldar)

Range 5D6cm
Str D6
Front arc only

This weapon is truly chaotic in both its use, and its effects. When fired, the scalar flux opens a tear into warp space, and effects all ships in its path. Any ship in a straight line within the front arc takes (d6 -1 per 10cm) hits. All damage from a scalar flux cannon does critical damage on a 4+. However, for each 6 rolled for range, the ship must make a leadership check. Each and every failure results in D3 hits, and the effects of entering a warp rift.

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