New Eldar Ship Class

by John Godfrey

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To: All Imperial vessels operating in the viscinity of the Graildark nebula.

Priority Level: Red-8

By order of Gothic Sector Naval Command all vessels operating within the viscinity of the Graildark nebula are advised to review the following intelligence report. Any commander encountering such a vessel is ordered to provide a detailed tactical analysis of their capabilities and asses the potential threat such vessels may have upon operations in this sector.

<End Transmission>

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<Passcode Accepted>

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Eldar Wraith Class Corvette (Light Cruiser)

160 pts

The first recorded encounters with the Wraith class corvettes came in the final days of the gothic war. Renegade Admiral Felkon Blackheart, leading a small fleet including the renegade Grand Cruiser Fellblade, attempted to take refuge from a pursuing Imperial fleet in the Graildark nebula. For several days his fleet managed to successfully avoid their Imperial pursuers. Then, without warning, several squadrons of Eldar vessels simply materialized out of the nebula. They closed on the Fellblade and crippled it before many of the gun crews could even power up their weapons. Then as quickly as they had appeared, their attackers vanished into the nebula. For two days, the Eldar conducted these hit and run attacks on Blackheart's fleet. The ships involved were of an unknown configuration and were surprisingly fast for Eldar capital ships.

After two days of constant hit and run attacks, two Murder class cruisers limped out of the Graildark nebula and surrendered to their Imperial pursuers. The Fellblade and 4 other capital ships had been destroyed by the repeated hit and run attacks. Imperial scholars collected enough data from the computers of the two surviving cruisers to determine that the attacking vessels had been of a type previously unseen by Imperial Forces. They designated these vessels  the Wraith class.

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/4 10/20/30cm holofields special 4+ 0
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Prow Pulsar Lance 30cm 1 Front
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Front
Keel Torpedoes 30cm 3 Front
Note:  Several vessels, most notably the Vengeful Spirit, replace their keel torpedoes with a strength 2 launch bay at a cost of +40 points.


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