Special Rules:
- Damage
- The factory does not have a critical hit table, only a catastrophic hit table! Everytime
the factory takes a hit roll a D6, on the result of a 5 or 6 roll on the table. If the
factory is reduced to 0 damage roll on the table.
1-6 Shut Down! The factory's systems shut down, but the chemical tanks remain
intact (for now). The Factory can be targeted again, roll to hit as normal, for each hit
roll again on this table.
7 Sablisers overload! The factory spins off into space. At the beginning of EACH
movement phase the hulk moves 2 D6 cm in a random direction. At start of EACH End phase
roll a D6, on the roll of a 6 the tanks explode, see BOOM!
8-11 Chemical Tank breach! The contents of the vast containment tanks start to seep
out. At the start of EACH movement phase the chemical cloud expands by D6 cm (on the
result of a 6 the chemical cloud ceases to expand). Any ships that fly into the cloud may
not take any special orders (due to the extra care needed to navigate inside). If a ship
shoots from within the cloud or is shot at roll a D6 for each battery/lance
grouping/torpedoe template/bomber squadron firing:1-4 no affect, 5-6 The chemicals ignite!
Anything within the cloud takes D6 lance hits. The cloud is then removed from play.
12 BOOM! A massive explosion tears through anything nearby as the chemical tanks
detonate. Anything within 4 D6 cm takes D6 automatic hits.
- Boarding
- If the factory is boarded, then roll 1 D6, on a 5 or 6 the attackers have damaged the
fuel tanks, roll on the catastrophic chart.
- Campaign Rules
- In a campaign the Cloud Harvester can be bought as a Reinforcement, it is then
designated to a system. Each Harvester gives you +1 repair points. If a system is captured
with an intact Harvester it may be used by the Fleet now controlling that system.