0-1 Imperial Assassin Infiltrator....................................50 pts
Imperial Assassins can be used by Imperial or Space Marine fleets. Assassins are deployed in BFG in ships called Infiltrators. These black ships are small, fast and extremely difficult to detect. During the confusion of a fleet engagement these ships can slip past enemy defenses and board enemy capital ships. Once on board the Assassin seeks out and kills the ships commander.
An Assassin Infiltrator counts as an Assault Shuttle and moves the same as an Imperial Shark Assault Shuttle. It begins the game with the rest of the fleet in space, it doesnt need to be launched from a capital ship. However an Infiltrator cannot be targeted by enemy ships or affected by enemy ordnance markers until it is detected. However the ship is still affected by celestial phenomina and blast markers as a normal attack craft. Before the enemy can attack an Infiltrator, he must first make a successful detection roll. This roll is made in every ordnace phase after the infiltrator has moved(or at the end of the phase should the Infiltrator decide not to move. The enemy player rolls 2D6 and applies the following modifiers to the roll:
If the roll is higher than 10 than the ship is detected and may be attacked just as if it were a Shark Assault Shuttle.
In order for the Assassin to strike his target he must move into base contact with an enemy capital ship. The enemy ship may fire its turrets if the Infiltrator has already been detected. If the Infiltrator isnt shot down than remove the Infiltrator marker and the assassin will board the enemy ship and proceed with his mission to assassinate the ships commander. In each end phase after the Assassin has boarded the ship roll a D6. On a roll of a 1 the assassin has failed, he was unable to complete his mission and is assumed to have been killed and you may not continue to roll in subsequent turns. On a roll of 2-4 the assassin is still trying to complete his objective and you will continue to roll in each end phase. On a roll of 5 or 6 the assassin has succeeded. The enemy ships captain has been killed and for the rest of the battle, the ships leadership is at 3. This is not cumulative with the Bridge Smashed critical. If the enemies Fleet Commander was aboard the ship, than in addition to the 3 leadership, the fleet may no longer use the fleet commanders re-rolls for the rest of the battle. After completing his objective, the Assassin quietly slips away and takes no further part in the battle.
Eldar Holo Fields. When an Assassin Infiltrator comes in contact with an Eldar Capital Ship it does not board automatically. It must first pass the Holo field. If the Eldar player rolls a 1 then the Assassin Boards as usual. If the Eldar player rolls a 2-5 then the assassin has tried to dock with one of the "phantom" images. The Infiltrator remains in play and may move in it's next movement phase(assuming the Eldar ship moves away) and may try to board another ship or try boarding the same ship again.
Assassins may not be included in you beginning fleet roster. An appeals must be made. When an Imperial force makes a successful appeal to a Space Marine Chapter, roll the dice as usual. If you roll a double you may take an Imperial Assassin Infiltrator instead of the usual choice. You may have more than one Infiltrator in you fleet roster, but only one Infiltrator may be used in a single battle. An assassin may be used repeatedly in battles as long as his Infiltrator isnt destroyed or a 1 isnt rolled during the Assassins mission. Ships that have their commanders killed get their leadership restored after the battle, however the ship loses on point of leadership permanently. This is cumulative with the 1 leadership for a ship being crippled. If the enemy Fleet Commander is killed during the battle he is assumed to have only been severely wounded and narrowly escaped death. He will fully recover after the battle. However, he will lose 1 Renown point for the embarrassment of being taken out on his own ship.