Imperator Defence Fortress

by Christopher Haak


Imperator Defence Fortress

1200 pts

This Battle fortress is deployed at vulnerable points in the empire such as the Cadian gate.

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Defense/16 3MP* 3MP* 12 5+ 12
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Antilles Long Range Defence Laser* 90cm 1 Front/Left/Right/Back
Nova Cannon 30-150cm 1 Front
Torpedoes 30cm 8 Front
Port Weapons Batteries 45cm 20 Left
Starboard Weapons Batteries 45cm 20 Right
Dorsal Lances 75cm 4 Left/Front/Right
Ventral Launch Bays Fighters: 30cm 6 squadrons -
*Defence Laser is requires powering before firing. In your orders phase, make a Leadership roll to power the Laser once powered it may fire at any time including your opponents move phase interrupting his turn if you wish. The laser requires a 3+ to hit and causes a critical on a 3+. The Laser is not powered at the start of the battle.

*Special Move: The Fortress moves very slowly. The Fortress has 3 mp each mp allows the fortress to move forward 5cm or turn 45°. The fortress is not required to move before turning and is not required to move at all. Due to these rules the fortress may only use the Reload, Lock On (0mp) and Brace for Impact! Orders. The Imperator has 4 fighter squadrons and a mass of turrets for defence. The Imperators fighters must stay within 10 cm at all times.

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