New Imperial Warships

by Preston Gustine

Imperial Goliath Battlecruiser

275 pts

After facing, and being defeated by the long ranged firepower of Chaos cruisers, Capt. Chanek limped his crippled Gothic class cruiser Goliath into dry dock. While having been defeated, and low on the priority list for repairs, Chanek still was able to "acquire" several lance batteries and power converters meant for the repair of Mars class battle cruisers. Using some know-how, luck, and the blessings of the Machine God, Chanek’s chief engineer, Obris, was able to cobble together a new lance set-up for Goliath. By slightly downgrading the power feed to the new lances, Obris was able to upgrade the range of the original lances. 3 months after her humiliating return to port, the Goliath once more set sail in the name of the Emperor. 2 weeks into the patrol, Goliath received a distress signal form an Imperial convoy. Being a few light years away the Goliath quickly jumped to the help of the convoy. Upon reaching the battle the Goliath found 4 Chaos Murder class cruisers destroying the near helpless convoy. The convoy escorts were heavily damage, burring in space or merle expanding plasma clouds. Capt. Chanek ordered the Goliath into the fray, opening fire at extreme range, scoring several hits on 1 cruiser. As the range closed, Goliath continued the relentless fire, destroying 1 Chaos cruiser, crippling another, and damaging the third. Seeing the battle quickly Turing against them, the forces of Chaos quickly retreated. The design is the Goliath has been copied since, but never in great numbers. But the few made have proven invaluable in the role of fleet support.

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/8 20cm 45o 2 6+ front / 5+ 2
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Port Lance Battery 45cm 4 Right
Starboard Lance Battery 45cm 4 Left
Dorsal Lance Battery 45cm 2 Front/Left/Right
Prow Torpedoes 30cm 6 Front



Imperial Kraken Battlecruiser

250 pts

A newer design from the orbital factories over Mars, the Kraken has been designed to provide support during planetary assaults. Able to launch masses of attack craft, and provide orbital bombardment, the Kraken is expected to slowly work it’s way into the Imperial Fleet across the Galaxy. Although none of the new Krakens have taken part in a major campaign, they are expected to fair quite well.

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/8 20cm 45o 2 6+ front / 5+ 2
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Port Lance Battery 45cm 2 Right
Starboard Lance Battery 45cm 2 Left
Dorsal Weapons Battery 45cm 6 Front/Left/Right
Port Launch Bays Furies: 30cm
Starhawks: 20cm
2 squadrons -
Starboard Launch Bays Furies: 30cm
Starhawks: 20cm
2 squadrons -
Prow Torpedoes 30cm 6 Front



Imperial Kraken II Battlecruiser

280 pts

Based of the new Kraken Design, the Kraken II is meant to deal with orbital defences and other "hard" targets that are not easily disabled or defeated. Capable of launching waves of torpedoes and assault craft, supported by massed lance fire, Kraken II’s can easily punch holes in most planetary defence nets.

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/8 20cm 45o 2 6+ front / 5+ 2
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Port Lance Battery 45cm 2 Right/Front
Starboard Lance Battery 45cm 2 Left/Front
Dorsal Weapons Battery 45cm 6 Front/Left/Right
Port Launch Bays Furies: 30cm
Starhawks: 20cm
2 squadrons -
Starboard Launch Bays Furies: 30cm
Starhawks: 20cm
2 squadrons -
Prow Torpedoes 30cm 6 Front



Imperial Stalwart Light Cruiser

125 pts

An early post-Heresy design, the Stalwart was conceived to provide more up-close fire support for a fleet then the Dauntless class cruiser. Based on the same hull, the Stalwart has had more efficient power relays installed, and the prow lances replaced a massed battery of plasma weapons. While not the successor to the Dauntless, the Stalwart has found its niche in the fleet. Working in evenly mixed squadrons with Dauntlesses has proven very effective. The combined weapons of the two classes have proven to complement each other. The Stalwart can strip an enemy ship of its shields, then the lances of the Dauntless can cripple or even destroy it.

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/6 25cm 45o 2 6+ front / 5+ 2
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 5 Right
Starboard Weapons Battery 30cm 5 Left
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 5 Front/Left/Right
Special rules: +1d6 on All Ahead Full special order

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