Imperial Hermes Class Destroyer

by Thomas Setzer


40 pts

Early on in the Great Crusades, the Imperium recognized the need for protection against enemy attack craft and torpedoes.  To counter this threat, they created the Hermes class destroyer - essentially an escort ship covered with laser turrets designed with only one target in mind: enemy ordnance.  These turrets were given some of the most sophisticated targetting arrays in use by the Imperium, able to target individual torpedoes or attack craft with pinpoint accuracy.  In the standard Imperial Navy battlefleet there are dozens of Hermss, designated with the task of protecting the Imperium's capital ships.

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Escort/1 25cm 90o 1 5+ 2
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Weapons battery 30cm 4 Left/front/right


Special Rules:
  • Hermes must be in a squadron with a capital ship.  Only two Hermes can join a capital ship to form a squadron, however, and they may not bring the total number of ships in a squadron to over 6.
  • Hermes may add their turrets to any capital ship they are included in a squadron with, as long as they are within squadron coherency.  They may not use their turrets to defend both themselves and the capital ship they are tasked with escorting in the same turn.
    Example:  A Hermes in a squadron with a Mars class battlecruiser may add its 2 turrets to the Mars' 3 turrets, giving it a total of 5 turrets.
  • A Hermes' weapons batteries have had special targetting systems installed to target enemy ordance accurately.  For this reason, they hit ordance on a roll of 5+ instead of a 6.

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