Imperial Battleships

by Peter Hemken


425 pts


Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Battleship/15 15cm 45o 4 6+ 4
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Port Lances 60cm 6 Left
Starboard Lances 60cm 6 Right
Fushion Cannon 30cm special Front


Special Rules:
  • The Ironclad may not use All Ahead Full or Come to New Heading special orders.
  • Fusion Cannon: 2d6 damage to target ship.





365 pts


Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Battleship/12 20cm 45o 4 6+ front/5+ 4
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Port Weapons Batteries 45cm 12 Left
Starboard Weapons Batteries 45cm 12 Right
Power Claws * * *


Special Rules:
  • The Dictator may not use Come to New Heading special orders.
  • Power Claws: Instead of making a normal ram attack, the Dictator may grip an enemy ship with its Power Claws. You then make 8 hit rolls. You may keep the enemy ship gripped for as long as you want, making 8 more hit rolls per turn, but neither ship may do anything until released.

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