Electronic Warfare

by Jonathan Daniels

So, this is what has developed:

Electronic Warfare (EW) ships: (0-4 per fleet)

A light cruiser or escort can replace weapons with Electronic Warfare devices. The escort loses all weapons (+10 points) and the cruiser loses half (+20 pts). The EW device is a s follows:

Escort: Str1, all fields of fire, 60cm range
Cruiser: Str2, all fields of fire, 120cm range

The EW Device (jammers, sensors, transmittors, and analytical computers) allows the ships to transmit random signals to the enemy fleet. During the enemy's turn, if he doesn't give special orders, or blows his command check, the EW ship can transmit false orders. The EW device can affect one ship per Strength of the weapon. The leadership of the target is subtracted from the leadership of the EW ship. The difference is what must be rolled on a D6. (EXAMPLE the Siren (Ld 9) is an EW ship, the Dreadfang (Ld7) is a destroyer, and the Brightclaw (Ld 10) is a cruiser. The Siren attempts to deceive the Dreadfang. The difference in leadership is 2, so the Siren needs a 1 or 2 on D6. The Brightlance has a higher leadership, and can't be attacked in this manner.

In addition, the EW ship may also place blast markers (D3 for escorts, D6 for cruisers) D6x3cm from the ship. This would make the Torps/attack craft have to check against exploding, and cause the right shift due to intervening blast markers.

Properly used, a EW ship could be very helpful defending a carrier or battleship.

The look on an Admiral's face when his escorts All Ahead Full into a torpedo salvo, or burn retros instead of chasing a crippled foe. Beautiful. This is closer to the EW equipment of today. No Star Warsy radiation burst, stealth tech, just plain old bad commo.

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