Okay, since I finally finished this up, in between painting the flying bases to starfield-type and reorganizing the room. I didn't have the rulebook in front of me, so some things might be a little off. But this is the Alpha version hot off the press.
Eldar Upgrade Table
In Campaigns, the Eldar player may roll on this table in addition to the other two already allowed. Roll 2D6 and consult the table for the type of upgrade.
2 | Advanced Solar Sails | Using highly conductive materials and better energy transmission, the Eldar vessel is capable of gathering more of the solar wind. The ship can travel an additional 5cm regardless of its facing when it moves. |
3 | Power Field Generators | The Holo-field emitters have been retro-fitted with several power field generators. These combination allows the ship to be encased by a protective bubble which will push away debris and protect from celestial phenomenom - but not strong enough to stop enemy weapons. The vessel is treated as having raised shields versus Blast Markers and other phenomenom. Note: A critical hit to the Holo-field generators will also disable the Power Field. |
4 | Enhanced Pulsar Lances | Drawing on the energy grid of the Eldar ship, the Pulsar Lances are boosted in strength. All Lances on the ship can fire an additional shot in the normal manner of Pulsar Lances, upto a new maximum of 4 shots. However the energy requirements of this upgrade drain the propulsion system of energy, reducing the maximum speed by 5cm. Note: Ships without Pulsar Lances ignore this result. |
5 | Advanced Targetting Matrix | Using powerful crystalline matrices and enhanced sensors, the ship's Batteries become considerably more accurate. The Eldar ship gains a left column shift in addition to any other modifiers when firing and resolving battery shots. Note: Ships without batteries ignore this result. |
6 | Runed Wraithbone Hull | A Warlock has come to enhance the hull of the ship. Using protective arcane chants and runes, the Wraithbone hull has been reinforced against all attacks. The Eldar ship's armor rating increases to 5+, and the ship will only suffer critical hits on a roll of 5 or 6. |
7 | Pulsar Turrets | Eldar engineers have fitted the ship with numerous gun turrets that will deal with any attacking fighters or bombers. The Eldar ships gains +1 Pulsar turrets, which work in the same manner as a normal turret. However, if you roll a miss when attempting to hit any attack craft or torpedo, you may reroll the die. The second result will stand. Note: If there are normal turrets on the Eldar ship one will be upgraded to a Pulsar Turret instead of the normal turret. |
8 | Torpedo Upgrade | You may roll once on the Advanced Torpedo Chart (see AC's supplement). These torpedoes replace any previous torpedoes and become the default torpedoes. Note: Ships without torpedo launcher ignore this roll. |
9 | Advanced Rudders | The Eldar ship has been outfitted with a new rudder system, enabling it to turn and handle more effectively in the solar wind. At the end of the movement phase, the ship may make one turn upto 90 degrees. |
10 | Close Combat and Boarding Training | The crew of the ship undergoes extensive training at the hands of veteran Aspect Warriors. With enhanced weapons, they are now capable of handling enemy boarding actions more effectively and initiating even more lethal boarding actions. The Eldar ship gains a +1 bonus to the resolution of any boarding, hit and run, or teleport attacks. |
11 | Holo-field Burst Array | Fine tuning of the Holo-field controls have allowed the operator to generate a protective "burst" of energy. During your opponent's shooting phase, you may place one Blast Marker within 5cm of this vessel. This must be done before an attack versus a vessel is declared and resolved. Note: If the Holo-field generator is damaged by a critical hit, this ability will not be available until it is repaired. |
12 | Veteran Crew | After many encounters and raids, the crew has become extremely capable of following precise orders. Whenever the ship takes a command check, roll three dice instead of two. Take the best two dice out of the three to determine the results of the roll. |