Eldar Shadow Hunter

by Chuan Li

Shadow Hunter

300/280 pts


Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/4 15/25/35cm special holofield 4+ 0
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Keel Launch Bay as assault craft 2 squadrons -
Keel Weapons Battery 30cm 4 Front
Prow Pulsar Lance 30cm 2 Front/Left
Prow Pulsar Lance 30cm 2 Front/Right


Special Rules:
  • Cloaking:  The Shadow Hunter is not deployed at the start of the game.  Instead, mark its location on paper, and reveal its location whenever you wish.  The ship moves as if it was its turn, however it may not move in the ordance phase on the turn it de-cloaked.
  • Long Missions:  The Shadow Hunter only runs out of ordance on a failed double.

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