Eldar and Chaos Names

by Bill Zalman

Well Tommy, here is your lucky day...back when I was building my Wood Elf Blood Bowl Team (the Bloodwind Kindred)I looked for a bunch of mythological names for winds....here is the list.

(A=Aztec, E=Egyptian, G=Greek, H=Hindu, M=Mayan, N=Norse, R=Roman, S=Sumerian)

West Wind: G: Zephyrus R: Favonius
East Wind: G: Eurus R: Vulturnus
North Wind: G: Boreas R: Aquilo
South Wind: G: Notus R: Auster

The mother of the four winds was Eos,or Aurora, goddess of the dawn, was  married to Astreaus. She was sister to Helios, sun, and Selene, moon.  She also, cheated on her husband. She had an affair with Ares, which  pissed Aphrodite off. So Aph had Eos punished by transforming her into a  nymphomaniac (gee, that sounds horrible).

Oh and Zephyrus abducted the goddess Chloris and gave her dominion over  flowers.

Ahmakiq was the Mayan God of Agriculture. (Would lock up wind when it threatened to destroy crops.)

Ehecatl = Aztec god of Wind.
Shu = Egyptian god of air and storms (as close as I could get.)
Kukucan = Mayan god of Wind.
Hresvelgr = Norse God who causes Winds,lived in the extreme north.
Vayu = Hindu God of Winds

Others I thought you might find interesting:

Erra - Sumerian God of War/Plague
Hanish - Sumerian Weather God
Sharru - Sumerian God of Submission
Utukki - Seven Sumerian Evil Demons
Min - "Stiff One" - Egyptian God of Male Fertility.
(No I DID NOT make this one up, I just wish I had)

And for your Chaos Guys here are the 14 Rabbinical Angels of Death...

Here are the full 14:

Malach ha-Mavet

Among other cultures' angels of death there are

Judeo-Christian= Michael, Gabriel, Sammael, and Sariel
Zoroastrianism= Mairya.
Babylon= Mot.
Falasha= Suriel.
Arabic= Azrael (also in Rabbinical above)
Jewish (as opposed to the Rabbi's lore) first angel of death= Rahab but he refused to part the Red Sea, and so was replaced by Malach ha-Mavet

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