Eldar Admiral Name Generator

by Julien Bonnard

I found in the Mighty Empires GW game an Elven places names generator. It could be useful for the Eldar admirals of BFG.

D20 Element 1 Element 2 Element 3
1 Ath- -a- -anwe-
2 Brim- -an- -anfel-
3 Cir- -at- -ar-
4 Con- -ath- -ath-
5 Dor- -brod- -del-
6 Ethil- -dia- -don-
7 El- -dor- -dor-
8 Elo- -en- -gost-
9 End- -fin- -in-
10 For- -for- -lun-
11 Gith- -gol- -mar-
12 Glor- -in- -nost-
13 Hir- -lor- -or-
14 In- -mar- -ost-
15 Lor- -ol- -oth-
16 Loth- -rol- -rond-
17 Nim- -sor- -tor-
18 Ra- -than- -uen-
19 Sor- -thiel- -und-
20 Than- - -

To make personal names, first, roll D6 on the following chart:

  Number of elements Generate element from column
1 2 1 + personal end
2 2 2 + personal end
3 3 1 + 1 + personal end
4 3 1 + 2 + personal end
5 3 1 + 3 + personal end
6 4 1 + 2 + 3 + personal end


Personal Name Endings

1 -andar
2 -andril
3 -anel
4 -are
5 -bane
6 -deorn
7 -ellion
8 -endil
9 -fin
10 -galiel
11 -huir
12 -ien
13 -il
14 -ir
15 -irel
16 -irlan
17 -mor
18 -nor
19 -nwaen
20 -wing

There are charts for Bretonnian, Dwarf, Empire and Orkish names. The first three aren't very useful to us. I'll post the Orkish charts in my next mail.

Julien Grigorov.

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