Custom Cruisers for Imperials!

by Dirk Vormann


Basic Cruiser:
Cruiser/8, 20cm, 2, 5+/6+, 2; 180 points

Include a 3rd turret: +10 points


30/2L free
30/6 free
45/4 (*) +5
45/6 (*) +10
60/4 (**) +12.5
2H (*) +30

(*) These weapons are used only once on the original Cruisers. Dublicate them at your own risk!

(**) This weapon is used twice and never only once on the original Cruisers. Use one of them at your own risk and round the total points cost up to full 5 points.


The above gives accurate points values for six imperial (battle)cruisers including upgrades. The Dominator comes out at 200 and it's variant cannot get created. Who wants to leave one hull hardpoint unoccupied, anyway?


Possible additions:

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