by Michael Powers

Fighters, instead of operating independently, can be assigned as close escorts to a ship or squadron. If a squadron of fighters is within movement range of a friendly ship (or squadron), they can declare that they are going on CSP. The squadron is removed from the board and placed on the ship's record sheet. If that ship is attacked by ordnance while the fighters are still on CSP, it may score one automatic "hit" against the ordnance per CSP squadron. Each "hit" can remove one incoming bomber or assault boat squadron, or one point of a torpedo salvo. A ship with CSP fighters has its turrets value halved (the turrets have to be careful they don't shoot down the friendlies.) After a fighter squadron is used in CSP, it is removed. (Again, Eldar fighters can stay on the board on a 4+.) CSP fighters may leave the ship they are defending at any time (perhaps to attack some bombers that didn't quite make it.)

Ships with CSP screens must move 30cm or less during the turn. If they move more (via All Ahead full or somesuch), the fighters are lost (they cannot keep up and return to their mothership.) If a squadron with CSP has a member move out of contact, that member no longer is protected by the CSP (though its turrets value returns to full.)

If a ship with CSP is hit, roll 1d6. On a 6, one of the fighters squadrons got in the way of the shots and is wiped out.

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