Chaos Hydra Class Destroyer

by Thomas Setzer


35 pts

The Hydra class destroyer is Chaos' answer to the Imperial Hermes class destroyer.   When portions of the Imperial Navy began to rebel with Horus and turn to the worship of the Dark Gods, they recognized the use of such ships as the Hermes.  Early Chaos casualties in naval battles came mostly from the lack of a decent defense against Loyalist ordnance.  To correct this lack of defense, many Chaos Iconoclast raiders were converted with additional weapons arrays and new targetting systems.  These ships were then assigned to various warfleets, where they serve to this day to protect the capital ships of the Chaos Warmasters.

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Escort/1 30cm 90o 1 4+ 2
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Weapons battery 30cm 3 Left/front/right


Special Rules:
  • Hydras must be in a squadron with a capital ship.  Only two Hydras can join a capital ship to form a squadron, however, and they may not bring the total number of ships in a squadron to over 6.
  • Hydras may add their turrets to any capital ship they are included in a squadron with, as long as they are within squadron coherency.  They may not use their turrets to defend both themselves and the capital ship they are tasked with escorting in the same turn.
    Example:  A Hydra in a squadron with a Mars class battlecruiser may add its 2 turrets to the Mars' 3 turrets, giving it a total of 5 turrets.
  • A Hydra's weapons batteries have had special targetting systems installed to target enemy ordance accurately.  For this reason, they hit ordance on a roll of 5+ instead of a 6.

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