Used exclusively by the followers of Khorne, the Horde class cruiser is the choose for assaulting orbital defences and planets. Within the vast holds of the ship thousands of follows of the Blood Good wait to slay in his name. Using Deathclaw assault boats and boarding torpedoes, the Horde class cruiser can unleash hundreds of these madmen on an unsuspecting foe within seconds. Often leading the charge into an enemy fleet, Hordes are a great threat to Imperial shipping and worlds.
Type/Hits | Speed | Turns | Shields | Armour | Turrets | ||
Cruiser/8 | 25cm | 45o | 2 | 5+ | 2 | ||
Armament: | Range/Speed | Firepower/Strength | Fire Arc | ||||
Port Launch Bays | Deathclaw Assault Boats 30cm | 2 squadrons | |||||
Starboard Launch Bays | Deathclaw Assault Boats 30cm | 2 squadrons | |||||
Port Weapons Battery | 30cm | 6 | Right | ||||
Starboard Weapons Battery | 30cm | 6 | Left | ||||
Dorsal Lance Battery | 45cm | 2 | Front/Left/Right | ||||
Prow Torpedoes | 30cm | 2 | Front |
Special Rules:
A diabolical ship that could only be dreamed up by the Prince of Chaos himself, the Intruder light cruiser has proven to be the bane of may Imperial commanders. Able to take over the command crew of a ship for a few moments, Intruder cruisers turn friends into foes. Commanders are best warned to keep their distance from these crafts and attack them from afar.
Type/Hits | Speed | Turns | Shields | Armour | Turrets | ||
Cruiser/8 | 25cm | 45o | 2 | 6+ front / 5+ | 1 | ||
Armament: | Range/Speed | Firepower/Strength | Fire Arc | ||||
Port Weapons Battery | 30cm | 6 | Right | ||||
Starboard Weapons Battery | 30cm | 6 | Left | ||||
Prow Weapons Battery | 45cm | 8 | Front/Right/Left | ||||
Lure of Slaanesh | 30cm | special | Front/Right/Left |
Special Rules: Must have a Champion bearing the mark of Slaanesh as its commander Lure of Slaanesh: Threw the subtle whispers and promises of powerful daemon, Slaanesh can overcome the minds of the most powerful men. Nominate 1 enemy ship within range, fire arc, and with its shields down. The ship must pass a leadership check. Failure allows the Chaos player to take control of that ship for 1 turn. All weapons, including ordinance, is at ½ strength. At the end of the turn he ship reverts back to the control of its owner. Attack craft launched from that ship can only attack friendly ships if they reach them in that 1st turn. After that they are under the control of the ships owner, even if the ship is lured once more on a later turn. This may be used on only 1 ship at a time. If the Intruder suffers a bridge smashed result on the critical hits table it is no longer able to make this attack. |
Believed by Imperial Scholars to be Magnus the Reds original flag ship from before the Horus Heresy the Magnus has long plagued Imperial shipping near the Eye of Terror. The heavy armament of the Magnus is devastating by itself, however it is the terrible Eye of Magnus mounted in the prow that strikes fear into Imperial captains. Capable of cutting most ships in half with a single shot, it is a weapon of horrifying magnitude, yet desperately sought by the Tech Priests of Mars.
Type/Hits | Speed | Turns | Shields | Armour | Turrets | ||
Battleship/12 | 20cm | 45o | 4 | 5+ | 4 | ||
Armament: | Range/Speed | Firepower/Strength | Fire Arc | ||||
Port Lance Battery | 60cm | 4 | Right | ||||
Starboard Lance Battery | 60cm | 4 | Left | ||||
Dorsal Weapons Battery | 60cm | 10 | Front/Left/Right | ||||
Eye of Magnus | 30cm | special | Front |
Special Rules: Due to its immense size the Magnus can not use the special orders: Come to New Heading or All Ahead Full. Must have a Champion bearing the mark of Tzeentch as its commander Eye of Magnus: Shoots a massive beam anywhere in the front arc of the ship. Lay a 1-cm wide straight edges out to 30 cm in the direction of the shot. Every ship thats base is touched by the marker received 1d3 hits, blocked by shields. Any ship that has its stem touching the straight edge takes 1d6 hits, blocked by shields. The roles to hit must be made on all ships in the line of fire, friend and foe alike. Eldar ships receive their holofield roll, but save on a 4+. |
A design of unknown origin the Pestilence class cruisers are seen only in the warfleets dedicated to the Chaos God Nurgle. While the standard armament is not of great concern, it is the "plague" torpedoes carried onboard that cause concern to Imperial commanders. These torpedoes carry a viscious disease onboard that is easily spread threw the air systems on ship. The infectious agents are quickly absorbed threw the skin of the victim, rotting their bodies from the inside out. Within 30 minutes of contracting the disease, all that if left is pile of foul smelling greenish brown ooze and charred bones.
Type/Hits | Speed | Turns | Shields | Armour | Turrets | ||
Cruiser/8 | 25cm | 45o | 2 | 6+ front / 5+ | 2 | ||
Armament: | Range/Speed | Firepower/Strength | Fire Arc | ||||
Port Lance Battery | 60cm | 1 | Right | ||||
Starboard Lance Battery | 60cm | 1 | Left | ||||
Port Weapons Battery | 60cm | 7 | Right | ||||
Starboard Weapons Battery | 60cm | 7 | Left | ||||
Dorsal Weapons Battery | 45cm | 6 | Front/Left/Right | ||||
Prow Torpedoes | 30cm | 4 | Front |
Special Rules: Cannot use the special orders Come to New Heading, or All Ahead Full Must have a Chaos Champion bearing the Mark of Nurgel as its commander Plague Torpedoes: Treated as normal torpedoes, however if a torpedo hits and causes damage to a ship roll a d6, on a 6 the plague has started to spread threw the ship. If more then 1 torpedo causes an outbreak, treat a single hit, multiple hits do not further or increase the effects of the plague. Roll a d6 at the end of every end phase, on another 6 a point of damage is cause to the ship. If the infected ship can go 3 turns without rolling a 6, the plague has been contained and has no further effect, barring being hit by another plague torpedo. |