Box of Iron - Tacticus Imperialis
My Chaos fleet got slaughtered by an Imperial fleet last week using a tactic I have
dubbed "Box of Iron" (from Man o' War fluff actually). What I would like is that
you Imperial fellas try it out. And comments would be nice too, but not compulsory.
- Set up the entire fleet in one neet box, something like 30*45cm tops. The exact size
doesn't matter, but if a Fleet engagament is played (which is what we usually play), make
sure all capital ships are in the same setup square. Put the escorts in the other squares,
or whadever. But; place all capital ships together!
- Make sure the Box has as little table as possible behind it. Preferably in a corner that
is, or pointing toward the center from a table edge.
- Nova cannon/s in the rear. Torpedo launchers up front. Carrier/s anywhere. A Battleship
if the point value allows it. Lots of Swords swarming around the nova/s.
- Gently turn the Box toward the enemy fleet. Aim all novas at the same target each turn.
Launch lots of fighters until you're really close, then switch to bombing crippled
cruisers. Launch torps and/or broadsides depending on how the enemy fleet moves, the
terrain and your liking.
- Use the Swords/other escorts to perform shock attacks on anything that attempts to get
behind you. 6 Swords are just nasty...
This deployment KILLED me (Chaos). Orks should have the same problems with it.
Eldar...? And if you need to know, we played Fleet engagement, deployment B.
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