Some General Notes

by Andy Chambers

Heavy Transports (in WD 237)

Hi folks, just thought I'd jump in again on this one. First off, these
stats aren't Gav's they're mine, I gave them to him to round out his article on combining game systems. So if you want to point the pointy finger of blame at anyone for ruining game balance and bringing about the end of the world as we know it you can point at me. Secondly we played a lot more convoys, planetary assaults etc with the heavy transports and than the ones you currently know and love(?), the escort sized transports came about as it became apparent that we simply wouldn't be making cruiser sized transports in the miniature range. The newer transport has proved to be much more survivable vs gunnery than the bigger version, but horribly vulnerable to ordnance (especially assault boats). In retrospect armour 4 and/or 1 shield would be more in keeping with the new small transports but hey, this way you get the full experience of what we were using before. As ever, before you make too many judgements play some games and see these things in context; I've read a few posts about how hard planetary assaults etc are on the attacker, I suspect this could swing them back.

GW Business

On a side note, and at risk of re-igniting the whole conflagration about GW business, I thought I'd expand a little on how it really works. Despite the Imperialistic imagery GW is in fact several different business gathered under one flag. The American operation is run seperately to the UK, the Spanish, French, German etc etc. Obviously ties are very close indeed but the different business have their own budgets and operate an internal market between them to make best use of resources. The new ship coming out has been paid for by the American business (and hoorah for them I say) - they have such strong faith in BFG that they were prepared to stump up to get something extra for their miniatures range. If the UK business wants it too they'll have to buy it from the Americans. Same for Spain, France etc. Hope this makes things a bit clearer - I know it's weird but that's capitalist economics for you.

A Request

Anyway, what would be really useful is to see some posts on say, the top 10 FAQ to get printed in WD, then I can make it so and we can waste more bandwith on philosophising about how toilets work in space and the rank badges for Imperial bridge crew than those repitive rule queries. Andy


(Note: You can send any questions you believe should be in the Top 10 FAQ to

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