by Andy Chambers


245 pts

In the latter stages of the Gothic War sightings of heavy Ork ships increased in number markedly. It was clear that the Orks had gained control of large numbers of wrecks over the course of the war and now, with an Ork Waaagh! brewing across a number of adjacent sectors, Ork controlled worlds were rapidly refitting them as kroozers. Many such ships were more powerful than the familiar Kill Kroozers and Terror Ships, heavily upgunned as barbaric Ork warlords sought to outbuild their rivals. One such type was christened the Hammer class, an Orkish attempt to wedge every inch of armour and every weapon system they could on to a salvaged Lunar or Murder class hull. The characteristics below are typical for the first known Hammer class Kroozer, Da Ammer, built on the wreck of the Domminator class cruiser Hammer of Purity, Admiral Sartus’ command ship at Platea.

Famous Ships of The Gothic War


Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/10 20cm 45o 2 5+/6+ front 2
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Port Gunz Batteries 30cm D6+2 Left
Port Heavy Gunz 15cm 6 Left
Starboard Gunz Batteries 30cm D6+2 Right
Starboard Heavy Gunz 15cm 6 Right
Dorsal Launch Bays Fighter-Bommas: 25cm
Assault Boats: 30cm
D3+1 Squadrons -
Prow Guns Batteries 45cm D6+6 Front
Prow Mount Launchas:
Or Bombardment Cannon




Special Rules:

The prow launchas commonly seen on the Hammer were originally invented to satisfy the insane desire of the Tyrant Uzog Armripper to have both torpedoes and big gunz on the front of his ship. Mekaniak Garzog’s ingenious solution was to rig up parts of the nova cannon conduits to big, tubular launchas that could either fire torpedoes or heavy bombardment shells. The upshot of this is that a Hammer Klass cruiser can either fire torpedoes or use bombardment kannon in a turn if the launchas are loaded at the time, but the launchas can only be used if they are loaded using the Reload Ordnance special order after each shot. Garzog thus got it half right and Tyrant Uzog only ripped one of his arms off...



A Hammer class battle kroozer may upgrade its turrets from 2 to 3 for +10pts. It may be equipped with boarding torpedoes for +5pts (speed 20cm strength D6+2) and torpedo bommas for +30pts. Due to its poorly distributed mass the Hammer class battle kroozer may not use Come to New Heading special orders.



You may include up to one Hammer class battlekroozer in an Ork Waaagh or Pirate fleet for every two Kroozers. Each Battle Kroozer must be commanded by an Ork Warlord. When leadership values are generated for the Ork fleet Hammer class battle cruisers can opt to swap leadership ratings with a kill kroozer or Terror ship to represent the Warlord dragooning the best crew in the fleet aboard his vessel.

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