Alternate Campaign Rules

by Shoeless z

I wrote these up because I think, well, campaigns should be a little more than several games in a row with repair points. I also think that you should be able to pick your attack plan (no random missions).

The Way It Works

The campaign works in roughly the same manner as the one in the rulebook.  The things I changed were the movement of fleets, the way you decide battles and the system for repair/replacement of ships. So here goes.



While there are an infinite number of alternatives to warp tunnels, the ones I came up with are way to complicated. I toyed with alternate movement rules (Eldar using webway, Chaos having unlimited movement within an area, etc) but decided that the campaigns should be straight forward, so no muddling.  The difference is that when you move your fleet you declare (write down in secret) how much, who you're moving, where to etc. This means you have to keep track of which ships are where, which isn't a problem, trust me. This also means you can pull a move like Ravensburg did (moved his whole fleet everywhere) or spread out and attack everywhere at once. This becomes important later, but for now let's just stick to this. This is how it works, for example:

You start with your entire fleet in system 1. You opponent has his entire fleet in system 6. You choose to move half your fleet to system 4, then a quarter to system 3 and system 2. You opponent moves a half his fleet to system 4, a quarter to system 7 and a quarter to system 5. You'll declare these moves by writing down which ship are going where, then showing your moves when everyone is ready with their moves. So with the moves declared, you would take systems 4 and 2, keeping 1 because there is no one to contest your rule there. Your opponent would take systems 7 and 5, keeps 6, and now you will fight for system 4.

Hope that's clear, because now onto the battles.



Battles, rather than being chosen at random, depend on the situation. Also, points depend on the ships that were sent, so you choose what you engage. Just hope your opponent doesn't overpower you, or hit your ships quickly then disengage. Anyway, the non-random system goes like this: If you attack a system held by the enemy, you would play one of these missions: The Raiders, Surprise Attack, Planetary Assault, Exterminatus. If you and your enemy are entering an empty system you would play: Cruiser Clash (if you don't mind having escorts along), Escalating Engagement, Fleet Engagement. I left out The Bait and Convoy run because I don't seem them as fun or fair missions, but if you want to use them, more power to you. Also, there's no reason you couldn't intercept an enemy fleet coming to attack your planet in the outer planets, leading to an Escalating Engagement or Fleet Engagement, play with it. Just like BFG, these are guidelines.

Also, I would suggest playing that if you want to take a planet you must play Planetary Assault. This would mean that you've got a good reason to leave ships around your planets, since most people recognize it's a hard mission to be the attacker. It also means if you want that system you better be ready to fight for it. I would also play that any time you attack a system you may attempt Exterminatus as per the scenario rules. Carefully consider this because someone might get crazy and just start killing planets, though if they do that they won't be able to get much in the way of repairs, but if they go for only getting ships through appeals, well… you get the picture.

To decide which scenario you play use attack ratings, with the highest roll choosing the scenario. This represents the winner of the roll outmaneuvering, out witting or just getting lucky and thus choosing the way the battle will be fought.

Repairing Ships

What thing I didn't like was how the repair system worked, mainly because it penalized you for bringing back your escorts after a couple of rounds unless your started with a high LD. Also, the way the shots carry over through escort squads people it benefits you to keep squads small and just replace them when they get totaled. So here's my alternative: as the LD of a squad is meant to represent the ship with the highest LD, a crippled squad or escorts (taken below 50%) does not lose a point of LD, but if they are wiped out they're gone and must be replaced as normal. This gives people a reason to take large escort squadrons, and also helps to balance out the advantage capital ships get for LD.


Also, with these rules Eldar and Orks may take systems. And all races get pirate bases, but they're not called pirate bases, they're called HQ's or something. It just evens out the campaign, allows you to get some repair points guaranteed.


I guess that's it for now. Remember, if you move into a system with no one else there, its yours, so guard your ships. More rules (if you're interested) to come regarding running blockades, Eldar and Ork planets and landings, and of course, the Webway.

Enjoy and helpful criticism welcome.

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