ALERT! New Chaos Ship Classes!

by Evan Moore

Field Intelligence Report
Quinrox Sound Region
ATTENTION: All Commanders!

Chaos forces have recently struck four supply depots in the Quinrox Sound region. These strikes do not appear to be pre-cursors to fleet mobility, rather it appears they are testing new ship designs.

So far, these ships have performed impressively. What we can gather regarding their strengths are outlined below.

If you encounter these ships, report your data to your Admiral and copy it to Field Intelligence immediately!



Lethe Class Light Cruiser

150 pts

During a previous battle in the Quinrox Sound region, the forces of Chaos suffered a minor victory--however one of their Acheron Heavy Cruisers was rammed and ripped in two. Apparently some enterprising repair crews put her back together, without the destroyed section.

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/6 25cm 45d 1 5+ 1
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Port Lance 45cm 1 Left
Starboard Lance 45cm 1 Right
Forward Dorsal Lance 45cm 1 Left/Front/Right
Rear Bridge Lance 30cm 1 Left/Back/Right
Prow Weapons Batteries 30cm 6 Left/Front/Right



To create this model, remove the forward weapon hard-point on a standard Chaos cruiser-build the rest as an Acheron-which should leave you with one dorsal Lance. Mount a second Lance turret facing the rear on top of the bridge assembly or right behind the bridge assembly if using the bridge component that looks like a Styx bridge assembly.



Tartarus Class Heavy Cruiser

220 pts

Based upon the Carnage cruiser hull configuration. This ship adds additional Prow Weapons Batteries. These additional weapons require a separate, massive generator mounted in a ventral position. As a cruiser hull has only so much room, you will easily distinguish the added components on a silhouette database.

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/8 20cm 45d 2 5+ 2
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Port Weapons Batteries 45cm 10 Left
Starboard Weapons Batteries 45cm 10 Right
Prow Weapons Batteries (Dorsal) 60cm 6 Left/Front/Right
Prow Weapons Batteries (Ventral) 60cm 6 Left/Front/Right


  • Critical 5, 1-3 ventral weapons damaged, 4-6 dorsal weapons damaged.
  • Critical 11, roll D3 x 2 damage, disable ventral Prow Weapons-may not be repaired.
  • Critical 12, roll D6 x 2 damage, disable ventral Prow Weapons-may not be repaired.
  • Additional generators are mounted on the ventral spine of the ship. These generators will explode on a critical result of 11 or 12--double the damage resultant from these rolls (i.e. roll the damage normally and multiply it by 2, don't just make it a D6 roll and a 2D6 roll, respectively. Roll one die as normal and then multiply by two). When this happens, one set of Prow Weapons is disabled until the ship is repaired (not during End Phase, but after the scenario has concluded)--assuming the ship survives.
  • This ship is a "Heavy Cruiser" and requires two other cruisers in the fleet before it may be added.

Design Notes:

You will note the ship's Ventral Prow Weapons are more vulnerable to being disabled--this is intentional. They are, after all, the experimental portion of the ship.
To create this model, cut the nose off of another Chaos cruiser and mount the two top halves of the noses together. There will be a little "fill space" to make them meet up. Take an eldar, dark eldar, or space marine pistol from 40K (or something about as long) and mount it along the "spines" of the underside-then fill in the gaps with some good putty. Smooth it out--try to get something to protrude downward to symbolize the additional generators. Use the two bottom halves to create a Mutilator (see below).



Mutilator Class Ram-Cruiser

170 pts

Based upon the Slaughter cruiser hull configuration. This ship removes the forward weapons and mounts a massive, adamantium "axe blade" hull ram. While unable to fire weapons forward, the ship is lethal when ramming. The added mass and "blade" configuration of the hull is formidable. Apparently, the ship also re-routes the energy necessary to fire its removed forward guns to additional shield generators and defensive turrets.

Type: Cruiser Hits: 8 Speed: 30cm Turns: 45degrees
Shields: 3 Turrets: 3 Armour: 6+ front, 5+ sides/rear
Weapons FP/STR Range Arc
Port Weapons Batteries 8 30 Left
Port Lance Batteries 2 30 Left
Starboard Weapons Batteries 8 30 Right
Starboard Lance Batteries 2 30 Right

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/8 30cm 45d 3 6+ front, 5+ sides/rear 3
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Port Weapons Batteries 30cm 8 Left
Starboard Weapons Batteries 30cm 8 Right
Port Lance Batteries 30cm 2 Left
Starboard Lance Batteries 30cm 2 Right


  • When ramming, treat as if ship has 10 hits for damage calculation.
  • Ship is equipped with additional thrusters: +D6 on All Ahead Full maneuvers.

Design notes:

To create this model, cut the bottom nose off of another cruiser and mount the two bottom sections together. This will create an almost "axe head" configuration. Use the two remaining top halves to create a Tartarus Heavy Cruiser (see above).

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