Various Ship Names
From Janes Fighting Ships 1914
Alphabetical Index of Battleships; "A"
- Aboukir
- Achilles
- Active
- Adamastor
- Admiral Markov
- Adventure
- Aegir
- Africa
- Agamemnon
- Ajax
- Akashi
- Akitsushima
- Alabama
- Albany
- Albatross
- Albermarle
- Albion
- AlexanderIII
- Alfonso
- Almarente Brown
- Almirante Cochrane
- Almirante Grau
- Almirante Latorre
- Almirante Reis
- Amalfi
- Amazone
- Amethyst
- Amiral Aube
- Amphone
- Amphirite
- Andrea Adora
- Andrel
- Antrim
- Aran
- Arcona
- Arethusa
- Argonaut
- Argyll
- Ariandne
- Arkansas
- Arpa
- Ashsi
- Asama
- Askold
- Aso
- Aspern
- Assar
- Astraea
- Attentive
- Audacious
- Augsberg
- Aurora
- Australia
- Averoff
- Azuma
Alphabetical Index of Battleships; "B"
- Babenberg
- Bacchante
- Bahia
- Barrozo
- Bayan
- Bearn
- Belgrano
- Bellerophon
- Bellona
- Benbow
- Benedetto
- Brin
- Benjamin Constant
- Beowulf
- Berlin
- Berwick
- Birmingham
- Bjoergoin
- Black Prince
- Blanche
- Blanco
- Encalada
- Blonde
- Blucher
- Boadicea
- Bogatyr
- Borodino Ootakof
- Bouvet
- Brandenburg
- Braunschweig
- Bremen
- Breslau
- Bretague
- Bristol
- Britannia
- Brooklyn
- Budapest
- Buenos Aires
- Bulwark
Alphabetical Index of Battleships; "C"
- Ceasar
- Caio Duilio
- Calabria
- California
- Calliope
- Cambrian
- Canopus
- Capitan Prat
- Carlo Alberto
- Carysfort
- Carnarvon
- Carnot
- Catuula
- Caroline
- Centurion
- Chacabuco
- Champion
- Chao Ho
- Charlemagne
- Charles Martel
- Charleston
- Charybdis
- Chatham
- Chattanooga
- Chester
- Cheyenne
- Chikuma
- Chitose
- Chiyoda
- Cincinnati
- Cleopatra
- Cleveland
- Cochrane
- Comus
- Collingwood
- Coln
- Colorado
- Collossus
- Commandante Aquirre
- Commonwealth
- Conde
- Condorcet
- Connecticut
- Conqueror
- Conquest
- Conti di
- Cavour
- Cordella
- Cornwall
- Cornwallis
- Coronet Bolognesi
- Courbet
- Cresent
- Cressy
- Cumberland
British Light Cruisers
- Calliope
- Caroline
- Carysfort
- Campion
- Cleopatra
- Comus
- Conquest
- Cordelia
- Arethusa
- Aurora
- Gatatea
- Inconstant
- Royalist
- Penelope
- Phaeton
- Undaunted
- NottinghamBirmingham
- Lowestcroftsouthhampton
- Dublin
- Chatham
- Dartmoutgh
- Palmouth
- Weymouth
- Yarmouth
- Bristol
- Glasgow
- Glochester
- Liverpool
- Newcastle
- Active
- Amphion
- Fearless
- Blanche
- Blonde
- Boadicea
- Bellona
- Adventure
- Attentive
- Forward
- Forsight
- Pathfinder
- Patrol
- sentinal
- Skirmisher
- Chalenger
- Hermes
- Highflyer
- Hyacinth
- Vindictive
- Topaze
- Amethyste
- Diamond
- Sapphire
- Pelorus
- Pegasus
- Pioneer
- Perseus
- Psyche
- ProserpineEclipse
- Talbot
- Minerva
- Venus
- Juno
- Diana
- Dido
- Doris
- Isis
- Astrea
- Charybdis
- Forte
- Fox
- Hermione
- Sapho
- Sirius
- Melpone
- Philomel
- Dryad
- Halcyon
- Harrier
- Hazard
- Hussar
- Circle
- Hebe
- Jason
- Leda
- Niger
- Speedy
- Antelope
German Capital ship Names
- Dreadnoughts
- Kaiser Friedrich II
- Worth
- Weissenburg
- Grosser Kurfurst
- Konig
- Markgraf
- Kaiser
- Friedrich Der Grosse
- Kaiserin
- Prinz Regent Luitpold
- Konig albert
- Thuringen
- Helgoland
- Ostfriesland
- Olenburg
- Westfalen
- Nassau
- Posen
- Rheinland
- BattleCruisers
- Derffinger
- Lutzoe
- Hertha
- Seyditz
- Motke
- Goeben
- Von der Tann
German BB
- Deutschland
- Hannover
- Pommern
- Schleswig-Holstein
- Schlesien
- Braaunschweig
- Hessen
- Preussen
- Elsass
- Lothringen
- Wittelsbach
- Wettin
- Zahringen
- Mecklenburg
- Schwaben
- Kaiser Friedrich III
- Kaiser Wilhelm II
- Kaiser Wilhelm Der Grosse
- Kaiser Karl Der Grosse
- Kaiser Barbarossa
- Brandenburg
- Worth
- Odin
- Aegir
- Siegfried
- Beowulf
- Frithjof
- Heimdall
- Hilderbrand
- Hagen
- Armoured Cruisers
- Bluecher
- Gneisenau
- Scharnhorst
- Yorck
- Roon
- Prinz Adalbert
- Friedrich Karl
- Prinz Heinrich
- Furst Bismarck
- Freya
- Hertha
- Victoria Luise
- Hansa
- Vineta
- Kaiserin Augusta
- Light Cruisers
- Karlsruhe
- Rostock
- Regenberg
- Graudenz
- Gefion
- Hela
- Gazelle
- Niobe
- Magdenburg
- Breslau
- Stralsund
- Strassburg
- Kolberg
- Mainz Koln
- Augustburg
- Emden
- Dresden
- Stuttgart
- Stettin
- Nurnburg
- Koenigsburg
- Leipzig
- Danzig
- Bremen
- Hamburg
- Berlin
- Luebeck
- Munchen
- Fryenlob
- Arcona
- Undine
- Nymphe
- Thetis
- Ariadne
- Amazone
- Medusa
- Gazelle
- Niobe
- Hela
- Gefion
British Dreadnoughts
- Queen Elizabeth
- Warspite
- Valant
- Barham
- Malaya
- Royal Sovereign
- Royal Oak
- Resolution
- Ramillies
- Revenge
- Agincourt
- Renown
- Repulse
- Resistance
- Benbow
- Emporor of India
- Iron Duke
- Marlborough
- George V
- Centurion
- Ajax
- Audacious
- Orion
- Conqueror
- Thunderer
- Monarch
- Collossus
- Hercules
- Neptune
- St Vincent
- Collingwood
- Vanguard
- Bellerophon
- Temeraire
- Superb
- Dreadnought
British Battlecruisers
- Lion
- Prince Royal
- Indefatigable
- New Zealand
- Invincible
- Inflexible
- Indomitable
Pre Dreadnought BB
- Lord Nelson
- Agamemnon
- Commonwealth
- King Edward
- Dominion
- Hindustan
- Zealandia
- Africa
- Brittania
- Hibernia
- Swiftsure
- Triumph
- Queen
- Prince of Wales
- Russel
- Duncan
- Cornwallis
- Exmouth
- Albermarle
- London
- Bulwark
- Venerable
- Formidable
- Irresitable
- Implacable
- Canopus
- Goliath
- Albion
- Ocean Glory
- Vengence
- Magnificent
- Majestie
- Hannibal
- Prince George
- Victorious
- Jupiter
- Mars
- Caesar
- Illustrious
British Cruisers
- Minotaur
- Defence
- Shannon
- Achilles
- Cochrane
- Natal
- Warrior
- Duke of Edinborough
- Black Prince
- Devonshire
- Antrium
- Argyll
- Carnarvon
- Hampshire
- Roxburg
- Essex
- Kent
- Monmouth
- Lancaster
- Berwick
- Donegal
- Cornwall
- Suffolk
- Good Hope
- Drake
- King Alfred
- Leviathan
- Sutley
- Cressy
- Aboukir
- Hogne
- Bacchante
- Euryalus
- Argonaught
- Arriadne
- Amphitrite
- Spartiate
- Diadem
- Eruropa
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