A few more piccies (yes I borrowed my friends Sony digicam.) My major modelling project is a plastic Thunderhawk. Basically I don't have 400 quid to waste on one if I did it would mean a) instant divoroce or b) a chainword to the nether regions! Or c) BOTH!!
So, this puppy is as near as I can get it to true Thunderhawk size. I mean there is no way that the metal one would hold a Rhino/Predator and/or 30 SM's is there. Mine will hold 30 SM's or a Rhino of Predator withour side sponsons. Cockpit holds two crew, modified speeder pilot/gunner fom the old Ravenwing 'speeder. I'm going to make a loadmaster and Techmarine to go with them as well. The fuselage as you can see is built. I have cut sections for the outer wings and have some waste pipe tubing for the engine pods. I'm using the side sponson swivel mounts with heavy bolters on the forward fuselage. The wingtips use a Whirlwind gunner turret and will have twin assault cannons (no more bolters for this dude) I'll be using the Baal Predator cannons or the new Tornado landspeeder assault cannon(s). Landing pads use hacked about cavalry stands as the base with plastic tubing for the oleo legs and some bits from my aircraft kits bits box for detail. Nothing in the GW range will suffice for the battle cannon so I'm scratch building this too with another Whirlwind gunner turrret on the top. You'll notice the front loading ramp works too. And the T/Hawk has a front cargo bay with floor although it needs detailing and painting inside. Ah the paint scheme. Well. this particular is the personal transport of the Captain of the BA 2nd Co. Capt. Cerberus so it'll be red. If you've seen pics of the BA Thunderhawk on the Emporers Palace display at UK Gamesday in 1998 the scheme won't be a million miles from it.
My biggest stubbling block are the nose Imperial Eagle and the Eagles that flank the sides of the T/Hawk. I have posted mail to this and other 40K lists asking for help even Cutomer Services say they can't get them. I have seen son GW Eagle badges up at GW HQ which will do - unless you have a better idea!
For those wishing to see this beastie in the flesh I'm aiming to have it ready for UK Golden Daemon '99 . GW HQ want me to display it once completed but that 'honour' will go to my local GW store if they want it - eh Ade!
Enjoy !
Well, slowly but surely the Thunderhawk is coming together. The outer wings are made up and I've designed and started constructing the inner wings and engine carriers. Engine pods are next on the agenda, once the carrier are built, and I'l be cracking on with them tommorrow. I needto strengthen the outer wing to fuselage mounts as there is a bit of weight in here. In the next couple of weeks I'll be ordering some more armament for it, I've got to rebuild one of the forward fuselage heavy bolter mounts because I've lost it!!!! Wings are set to get assault cannons although I'm still undecided whether to go for the ones off the Baal Predator or the new Tornado Landspeeder, I'll check 'em out when I go up to Lenton. Still shes taking shape. Once the fuselage/wings/engines are bacially built I'll start adding the outer armour panels, detailing and undercarriage. I'm going to keep the top mounted battle cannon until later on as I want to see what the new conversion turrets for the Leman Russ variants as one might fit the bill. Also I'll get to work on the crew. Anyway a few pics.