Once long ago the craftworld Buderan was soaring majesticly through space when a freak accident sent into a head-on collision with the Craftworld Milleran, destroying both Craftworlds. Of these craftworlds nothing remained but a few aspect squads native to Buderan, the Marauding Penguines. These fearsome warriors are known for their soul-wrenching battle-cry 'dooo beee do be do' which has sent the most stalwart of foes running.
Marauding Penguines...............35pts per model
M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | LD |
10 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 7 | 2 | 10 |
SQUAD: each pengiune squad must have between 3 an 7 aspect warriors
WEAPONS: 2 Power flippers
ARMOR: aspect armor (3+)
Fixed movement: Marauding Pengiunes are known for their steady advance acroos the field, to represent this a pengiune may only make a standard move of 10", they can never run or charge, and must move as far as possible each turn. They do not have to charge to get into close assult, they simply walk into it
Not There: Most Penguines are ignored on the field. To represent this a model cannot act upon a Pengiune if it is not in his foward firing arc, until the pengiune is 1" from the model. This is a demonstration of their extreme hiding skills.
DOOO BEEE DO BE DO attack: any model in a pengiune's foward fireing arc and within 8" must make a break test, with a -3 modifier to their LD. All models must make this test even if they are immune to psychology and will pass all LD based tests. Any model that fails must go on fall back orders. Any model can negate this attack by surrendering the most expensive weapon or wargear card they have. The penginue will then move to annoy.... I mean go after another model. Items collected in this way can be used by the recieving penginue.
Power Flippers: These have the same stats as power fists, but are thinner and longer. They can be turned off to allow the wearer to grasp other items. They also prevent the wearer from being overwhelmed in close combat.