Convert your own. No offence McVey, you're a great painter but the LeMartes model totally sucks.
Get a normal Marine plastic, twist the wrist round on the gripping hand, open it out a bit more and put a skull from the skeleton warrior sprue in there. on the other hand, stick in the Crozius Archanium and stick a bolt pistol on the lower leg. Take a BEEKY Marine head (the one with the nose) and cut out the nose section (leaving you with just 3/4 of the original helmet). Cut out enough skull from the skeleton warrior sprue to fill this gap. Paint it Chaos Black with appropriate splashes of Blood Red and woh-lah! A really cool LeMartes!
MrChimp - Who has yet to build one - even it doesn't look good, you can still say it looks better than the original...
ICQ: 16196335
I'm working on one too (Because the GW mini sucks... )
I'm using an existing chaplain as the base, the one converted in WD as a Commander for their LoTD force. I've added a coupe of DE spikes to the head, (two are upturned and looked quite like horns). The top od his Crozius Arcanum was chopped off and replaced with a the BA icon from the Standard Top, and dressed up with some purity seals. Right arms is a bolt pistol one from the new assault marine arm sprues. Together with some extra grenades, pouches and purtiy seals. Jumppack is straight from Dante (where else). Finishing touch one of the new Death Co. shoulder pads.
The verdict on the 90% completed mini from several gamers, and staff member of my local GW Store - a shit load better than the McVey mini.
I rest my case for the prosecution.