Happy Prancers Aspect Warriors(?)


by Khainsbrain

Everyone knows about the aspect warriors. The Dire Avengers who display the Eldar god Khaila Mensha Khain as noble and vengeful. The Dark Reapers who show his trait of Destroyer. But what about the other side of Khain? The bubbly, happy side that likes to skip and pet small furry animals? On the craftworld of Interiordecoratic, there is a shrine dedicated to this aspect of the Eldar god of war. Dressed in pastels and pink, the Happy Prancers are a marvel to behold. Scattering rose pettles and skipping with joy, this warrior (?!? -Ed.) cult is dedicated to spreading joy and happiness throughout the galaxy.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Happy Prancers 6 4 4 4 3 1 7 1 8

Squad: A squad of Happy Prancers consists of 3-7 happy prancers

Armour: Happy Prancers wear apect armour that gives them a 5+ on a d6

Wargear: Happy Prancers are armed with Flower Baskets and Joy Fields


-Skip. Happy prancers leap and jump and skip rather than walking or running. As such, they are not affected my terrain movement modifiers.

-Chaos Fear. The happy prancers are horribly annoying and totally fearless. Their preferred method of attack is the hug. As such, chaos troops must test for fear when charging or being charged by the Happy Prancers.

-Daemons Terror. The very idea that there are beings who want to hug them and make them happy is repulsive and terrifying to Daemons. As such, the Happy Prancers cause Terror in Daemons.

Psycology: The happy prancers are bubbly and cheery, and as such they are immune to the effects of fear or terror. They can still break as usual.


Flower Baskets: The Happy Prancers each hold a basket of flower petals to scatter over the battle field. This doesn't acutally do anything, but it gives players an excuse to use potpourri in the game.

Joy Fields: Any and all models that come within 3" of a Happy Prancer may be affected by the Joy Field. Roll a d6. If the result is a number between 0 and 7, the model is affected by the Joy Field. Models affected by the joy field begin laughing and leaping in an erratic manner, and may do nothing. Not fight, not move (except as stated below), not use psychic powers, nothing. At the beginning of every turn, models affected will move d6 inches in a random direction. Once a model is out of the radius of the feild, it is normal for it's next turn.

Next Time! Dorris! The Happy Prancer Phoenix Lord!

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